The Pigeon King



6 years, 5 months ago




Obtained: NA
Status: Active; Main
Worth: $999
Notes: Usually followed by birds.
Creator: qrywolf

Layout by Jayden   •   Image by qrywolf


regret • outcast • alone
Name Calum Birthdate Forgotten
Age 32 Zodiac ???
Gender Male Orientation Pansexual
Species Human, cursed Voice Undecided
Relationship Single Song Kingdom of Welcome Addiction - IAMX
Alignment True neutral MBTI ???

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He once ruled a prosperous kingdom. But he was naive, and had been overthrown by the ones he trusted the most. Exiled, he had nothing left to rule over but the pigeons flocking around him. He had to steal just to survive. One day, he met a witch who took pity upon him. She blessed him with undeath: whenever he would suffer something that would kill him, he would transform into a pigeon instead. He may also take on this form at will.

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