
Name: Nicolas Normand Reine

Birthday: November 2

Zodiac: Scorpio

Nationality: Northern European; born in England

Relations: Relatives: Sibling(s) – Ramona, Leroy. Cousin(s) – Paula {through  adoption}, Prissy and Aurelius (through blood). Close friends  (unrelated): Sidny, Magnolia, Whitney, Kuro, Mitsuki 

Appearance:  About 5'8. Medium brown hair that is very slightly wavy, long bangs in  the front that cover his left eye. Medium size eyes that are somewhat  widely spaced and blue; medium thickness eyebrows that are slightly  arched. Long nose bridge that is thin and protrudes with a slight  downturn. Small mouth and lips are of thin-to-medium width. Face is a  cross between a triangle and a heat, very pale complexion. Thin, lean  body. Despite being the oldest of the Reine siblings, most people assume  that he is younger than Ramona and usually also Roy (much to his  annoyance).

Clothing: Slightly baggish but quite long overcoat  made of a very thick material, with dark blue colours at the top ranging  down to a sea-greenish tint at the bottom. Dark blue pants that are  somewhat tight. Black/dark blue gloves, and a reddish gold sash adorned  with sapphires, while the gem/button fascining his coat is a deep red.  Undershirt is a deep orangish colour with a yellow star pattern (Idk why  I designed it that way XD)

Mbti: XNTJ

Personality:  Initially many will sadly see him as aloof and a know-it-all, though  even a stranger could sense that beneath this distant exterior, he is  caring and means well with his curtly-worded advice (and there is a  mysteriously charismatic aspect of his demeanor). Indeed, this youth is  as intellectual as Magnolia, and is frequently seen alone, immobile as  he reflectively works through a problem. Like his brother Roy, Nicolas  may appear pensive and melancholic, and also accepts this as a part of  himself. Unfortunately he is often misunderstood, as is his brother, but  instead of accepting this he becomes angry. Not a fighter like Sidny,  but he is quite stubborn, and his primary drive in life is the  vivid vision he has of how things should be; he is ambitious and will  stubbornly defend any part of his wide-encompassing plans. However, this  is not totally selfish, as many of his thoughts and ideas revolve  around his friends. These friends are valuable to him because he is, in  reality, introverted; it is hard for peers to actually earn his respect  or get close to him. Worries about the state of the world, probably  because of a troubled past (which he never likes to explicitly talk  about, but hints at) and because of his emotional nature. This is likely  the reason why he heavily relies upon his vision, and his greatest fear  is change/not being in control of his situation. Friends gently call  him 'stuck in the past'; this is somewhat true as he loves history and  thinks the world should return to a prior state. Once being hurt, he has  trouble forgiving, and may dwell on it for a long time. A professional  pianist and keyboard player. Becomes excellent friends with Kuro and  Mitsuki.