


2 years, 3 months ago


Theia / Tea

20+ idk

Female, she/her

Rakumanu (humanoid)


Tea is the result of a magical experiment gone wrong. She was supposed to hatch from her egg as a rakumanu- a creature vaguely resembling Earth's raccoons and birds... so why? Why is she humanoid instead?! Her guardians attempted to hide her existence from the world, however Tea's curious nature has her running out the doors and skipping about without a care in the world. At some point they gave up on trying to keep her contained, since the public was already aware (and scared) of her existence.

Although she presents as an inquisitive, friendly person, caution must be had when interacting with her. Though she is humanoid and is able to think and function as a human, she is still partially a rakumanu at the end of the day, so she may begin to become feisty and bitey when she starts to feel overstimulated or upset. At her absolute worst, her mind may fully regress into its wild rakumanu state until she calms down and regains her humanity.


  • Her nickname "Tea" was given to her by a guardian because she really likes drinking tea- she says "it's like water, but better because it's leaf flavoured!"
  • She has the ability to communicate with rakumanu, however she seems to be a bit rusty in this field as she sometimes accidentally angers them instead...
  • She has little sparkles floating around her due to the sheer amount of magic building up within her.
  • She has several long feathers in her hair that can move around freely and almost act as "feelers".


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious


  • Tea (the drink)
  • Soft things
  • Getting headpats
  • Frolicking and napping in flower fields
  • Getting new, pretty outfits


  • Thunderstorms
  • Being cold (dampens her magical abilities)
  • Being bored (makes her cranky)
  • Getting dirty
  • Haircuts (hair and feathers are sensitive)



.。*+:。.。 ❀ 。.。:+*。.

i'll think of something later!

.。*+:。.。 ❀ 。.。:+*。.

watch me forget about this for like a year lmao



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