Neveria's Comments

Yoo, is she still available?

Yes! She is :D

Yey! Where can I send a payment^^?

Hi, how are you?

I'm sorry if I sounded a bit rude maybe I don't always realise (especially in writings) ^^"

Hi! It's alright you did not sound rude no worries!

I somehow did not see your messages in my notifications :-/ had to check it in the character design comments to finally see it!

You can send the money to my Paypal, the email adress is: [email protected]

Just make sure that the payment is going to be send in Euros ^^ once I get a payment I will immediately send/transfer the oc over to you <33

Oh cool!
I often get anxious when people don't answer, I always think I turned my words wrong x)
I've sent it then^^

I've got it! Thank you so much for adopting her :D gotta transfer her over to you asap! ^^

1 Replies