Xanace McKenny



2 years, 4 months ago


Xanace lives in a fantasy version of Austin, Texas where everything’s the same but just beneath the surface there’s a hidden world of “weird” where magical things and beings exist. Xanace is just a regular human, recently awoken to “the weird”, fighting magical beasts in their own backyard. 

One day Xanace meets a group of other people awoken to the weird, Sterling, Angel, Arlen, Greg, Tessil, and a Wizard named Monroe who asks them all to help save the recently endangered magic in Austin. 


Xanace grew up with a pretty privileged life, in a nice house with their mom Kristen and dad Grant. Their dad previously being in the military as a Cavalry Scout encouraged Xanace to join JROTC, they did and was a captain before quitting. Xanace recently started a journey of self discovery where they came out to their parents as nonbinary, expressing themselves in new ways, which did not go over well. Everything since then seems to keep going downhill for Xanace, their father becoming more absent, their mother becoming more tense, and Xanace figuring out that they’ve been living a stifling controlled life up until now. Learning that their parents love is… conditional, they don’t want Xanace to be themselves, but to be the perfect daughter. With this knowledge Xanace tries getting out of the house whenever possible to avoid fights and tension, which lead them to discover the weird!