Anastasia / Beleth



2 years, 3 months ago


"Death isn't the end." 

- Beleth.

Basic information

Name:  Beleth / Anastasia

Alias:  Ana / Lady Death / God of the Afterlife and Grief / The Soul Reaper

Age: Estimated to be around 8000+

Race:  Adeptus / Some other kind of immortal being

Gender: Female

Height:  5,2 as Ana / 6,1 as Beleth

Occupation:  Current God and Keeper of the Afterlife.

Personality:  Merciful / generous / motherly / kind and understanding / loving / lonely

Sexuality:  N/A

Likes:  Osmanthus Wine / frozen golden grapes / rain and snowy weather / flowers and wildlife / gardening / dancing / animals

Dislikes:  Sugar Slimes / her job / seeing everyone suffering / war / plagues / seafood / liars



  • Cryo vision / sword user.
  • She doesn't know her real birthdate but celebrates it October 31st.
  • Oldest god to exist in Teyvat, older than even Zhongli it seems.
  • Her main weapon is The Alley Flash.
  • Despite being the general god of death, she seems to take an accent from Snezhnaya. Everything points to her coming from there. However she seems to call both Snezhnaya and Liyue her true homes.




Once known as the Benevolence god of death, Beleth would guide the souls of the dead to the afterlife where they could life on in peace, no longer having to worry about the life they left behind. While with the loved ones they left behind, she'll only great with comfort and understanding of their own grief and emotions, as to not be overwhelmed with their own darkness. As such, Beleth was always in tuned to the emotions of everything around her. Many gods, usually regarded as Reapers, would often abandon their duty or retire due to how overwhelming it all was, absorbing and taking in death and grief so often without a break. Because of this, Beleth was usually considered strong and reliable in this regard, not letting her own emotions get into the way of things. Often guiding new gods in the ways things were suppose to be amongst Teyvat. Along with her dear friend, the god of life, also known as the first dendro god.

Beleth was also one, gods would go to for help with their erosions, to ensure they never lost their precious memories of their loved ones.

Yet, it seems even the strongest gods, have a breaking point. Beleths would be witnessing her dear friend, the dendro god, dying in her arms. signaling the start of the Archon war. Witnessing the deaths of so many gods, many of her close friends, and witnessing mortals die in the crossfire proved to be too much for Beleth. Soon looking to end the war and the gods who dared to come into her downward spiral of vengeance. There, her title of Lady Death, became known to mortals who've witnessed her carnage. Her own grief overwhelming her as she turned into a vengeful god, Erosion slowly corrupting her.

Yet, it would be Rex Lapis/Morax that would be the one to end her suffering. Yet as she can never truly die, she was sealed away in a domain in the middle of the war. Yet in turn, locking the angry, immortal souls to their unrestful place, unable to move onto new bodies since she was sealed.

It wouldn't be until recently when she would be freed from her imprisonment, albeit without her memories, whether thats from choice, or the erosion.










