


2 years, 3 months ago


Sunspot is a regal dragon, his every move filled with purpose and dignity. He is a wise soul who's more than content to sit in terraced gardens while regaling stories of years long past to anyone who will lend an ear. Fond of interacting with even the youngest of children, he is known as a master, teacher, and friend to all who take the time to know him. He lives in a Japanese-style temple atop a range of mountains, which is surrounded by extensive botanical gardens and incredibly well-staffed. Sunspot can often be seen flying in the area as he moves from one peak to another for the "perfect view" to paint, or surveys his land in search of new growth! The road to his temple is paved in white stone, and the entire hike is well tended and inviting.

Sunspot is your typical "wise Asian guy" trope. His personality is similar to Master Uguay from the "Kung Fu Panda" series or Uncle Iroh from "Avatar the Last Airbender!" Suspot loves tea, calligraphy, traditional ink painting, writing poetry, and tending to his prolific bonsai garden. His taste in literature, food, and the arts is incredibly refined, but he is far too humble and down-to-earth to come across as haughty for it.

Sunspot does not have a breath weapon in the way most Western dragons do, but is instead similar to "Temeraire" in the "His Majesty's Dragon" series. He has the ability to create and earsplitting wind burst that can wreak havok on enemies below. Sunspot is far from helpless, but he prefers to use his power for peace rather than destruction. He is known to use his power to trigger controlled avalanches or encourage rain to fall. Despite peristant rumors, Sunspot does not powers related to plant growth. He just has a keen eye, a wealth of knowledge, and an incredibly green thumb!