Marie Nash (English)




Last Name : Nash
First Name : Marie
Age : 41 y/o
Birthday : 5th February
Zodiac Sign : Aquarius
Height : 1m52
Weight : 69 kg
Gender : Female
Orientation : Heterosexual
Situation : Married, mother
Birth place : Aquacorde Town (Kalos)
Origins : French
Seiyuu : Kikuko Inoue (Sanae Furukawa - Clannad)
Job : Stay-at-home mom
butterfree_by_zanuelle_admins-d8ripzn.giPokemon : Butterfree
Shiny : No
Nature : Jolly
Type : Bug | Flying
Weaknesses :
Electric | Fire | Ice | Rock | Flying
Level : 42
Evolution : In evolved in the level 10 at 14 y/o

Moves : Confusion | Sleep Powder | Air Slash | Supersonic
Abilities : Compound Eyes = Raises accuracy
Pokedex entries : Its wings, covered with poisonous powders, repel water. This allows it to fly in the rain. It loves the honey of flowers and can locate flower patches that have even tiny amounts of pollen.


Like :
- Her husband and her daughter.
- People and life generally.
- Have a walk in town, see his friends and his family.
- Take care of a house, a garden and Pokemon.
Dislike :
- The violence and the wickedness (free or not).
- Boredom.
- When she misses her cakes èoé! (But she eats them all the same).
- When internet and the telephone network do not work! How is she going to call people??

Extras :
- She is small and plump, but she assumes perfectly her morphology.
- She can spend hours by the telephone, to speak about nothing it more!
- She adores cuddles and in fact to quite his friends.
- She manages to fly without any problem!
- Even if she accepts her body, she prefers to wear wide clothes which float, she has the impression to be a small fairy like that!
Personality :
A scrap of a woman which loves people and which wants that the whole world knows it! She is very smiling, very optimistic yet and never gives up. Its temperament and its small laughter of mouse could give the smile to anyone! Her attitude is really contagious, and she doesn't mind it, because is always needed more love! Obviously, she knows well that the world is not also pink as her, but she learnt to forgive unpleasant people who laughed at her appearance. She doesn't get mad, or little. Instead of being angry, she will rather will been disappointed and sad, but her smile returns very fast, because she is far from being vindictive and very fast moves on! She is always ready to help somebody, or to give her supports if she can make nothing. It is really a very good friend and she takes care of all her circle of acquaintances.
