


2 years, 3 months ago


Mordecai (Mort) was born as a female hyena/canine chimera in a lab. The organization, TMI (The Mera Institute), created Mort in order to test the hybridization of incompatible families. Another aspect involved the mechanism behind the color change of chameleons. They hoped their specimen would be born with the ability to turn invisible. After Mort's creation, the scientists deemed their experiment a failure. They abandoned the young cub, leaving an orphanage and eventually a foster family to care for it. 
Growing up, Mort struggled with dysmorphia, dysphoria, and self-destructive tendencies. His sense of personhood and identity is constantly under question and flux. Little did Mort know that these feelings would worsen over time, in part thanks to a budding mutation in his chimeric genes.
The Beginnings of Change
One day, Mordecai, then a graduating high school student, noticed his pawpads were changing color. Initially, they were a dull pink color. Over time, each finger's pad became a different pastel color. Self-conscious, Mort did his best to hide his hands from his peers by wearing gloves or covering his fingers in band-aids. He knew he had an unusual origin—his foster family said so—but Mort did not know the organization or what they had done to him. As a result, these changes were especially alarming to him. He always felt out-of-place with symptoms of derealization and depersonalization, but this was becoming another beast entirely. 
When he'd eventually been formally adopted by his foster family, they encouraged physical transition in the form of top surgery. His psychiatric and medical teams didn't know what to do with him and neither did Mort. He needed relief, and fast. Initially, Mort was happy with the results of his surgery. For the first time, he felt like himself. Yet, only days following the surgery, Mort noticed even more peculiar changes. His skin around the surgery site was turning blue. The fur was even growing in that color. Even though he hasn’t had a reason to "cover up" since coming out and having surgery, Mort started hiding himself even more. At one point, he even debated if it was a good idea to start hormone treatments. He was scared of additional unwanted changes to his body.
Mort's concern reached a breaking point when, after rough-housing with some friends, he got a cut on his eyebrow. This, too, began to change color: this time to yellow. On a particularly rough day for his mental health, Mort faced himself in the mirror and used his claws to expose more of his skin. Before his eyes, he watched as the slashes above and below his eyes turned a uniform yellow. Without thinking, he cut the other side of his face to match—only to find that the opposite side of his face was turning blue. Ultimately, the markings he was left with resembled the face paint of a clown.
Becoming the Pierrot
Since then, Mort has run away from home, living in dark places such as thick forests and deep caves. He has become nomadic and, alone with his thoughts, Mort contemplates the universe and its many truths and lies. He isn't sure of himself anymore; is he Mordecai? Or is he merely a clown, a fake persona created for the amusement of the people around him? Is he at the whims of a higher power, a pawn in whatever larger plan his makers have in store for him? 
The longer he's been traveling, the more Mort has begun to notice something even more daunting: the colorful markings he had been plagued with for so long are somehow turning gray…