Ursus Lombardi



2 years, 3 months ago


Ursus Orsino Lombardi
August 27, 1883
5'10 (178 cm)
Corporal & Farmer
Voice Claim


Serious • Eloquent • Responsible • Supportive

Art, wine, and cheese snob; a triple threat. An artist himself, his main medium is oil paint. He is very critical of his work and 98% of his paintings sit hidden in his room. He carries a small journal with him to sketch in. He enjoys going to the theater, and his favorite thing to see is operas. He can play accordion, trumpet, and cello and often plays accordion on streetcorners for money.

Lombardi and his wife Eva had their first child right before Italy joined the war and because of that he hasn't gotten the chance to be a father, which he feels guilty about. This guilt has subconsciously manifested in him being parental towards the men he oversees, but combined with his blunt personality it comes off as him being overly strict. He just wants people to be safe, but to others, it comes off as Lombardi bossing them around. He hates the war, but still tries to live up to the responsibility of corporal however as he doesn't want to have his negligence put others in danger.


  • Wine
  • Funny Looking Dogs
  • Being Alone
  • Sunbathing
  • Sunsets


  • Hunting
  • Big Crowds
  • Lettuce
  • Ignorant People
  • French Wine
"Wine is to be enjoyed, not to get you intoxicated."


(INFJ) Lombardi is a very private person who does not like talking about himself. He enjoys time alone and often needs time to recharge after attending big social events. He is very deadpan, he has a flat affect. He likes to see himself as stoic and mysterious but often comes off as rude. He is a nice guy overall, it just takes some time to get to know him.


Lombardi was born August 27th, 1883, an only child. Ever since he could hold a gun Lombardi's father would take him on hunting trips. He got very good at hunting but never really enjoyed it. Growing up as an only child, he preferred his time alone. As a teenager, he liked to go out on walks in the Italian countryside alone to paint.

Before the war, he had taken over his family's olive grove. While proud to be keeping the family business alive he does not enjoy it. He would much rather run a vineyard or just quit farming entirely and be an artist.

Design Notes

• 5'10 (178 cm)

• Lean and average build.

• Dark green eyes with a mole just near his left eye.

• Good posture.

• Big and well groomed mustache.

• Despite his deadpan nature he talks with his hands a lot.


• His favorite book of all time is the Wizard of Oz, and he would be mortified if anyone found out he likes a childrens book as he portrays himself as a high literature connoisseur.

• Goes by Lombardi instead of Ursus because he thinks it sounds cooler. The only person who is allowed to call him Usrus is his wife and his mom.

• Dark chocolate with almonds enjoyer

• He is more of a realistic artist, painting/drawing things infront or around him rather than from his imagination.

• .His father named him after bears because he wanted a cool strong hunter son, but instead he ended up raising an artsy wine snob.

• .



Calvino Lombardi

Has a complicated relationship with him. He does love his father but he also feels the need to please him, which leads to Lombardi doing stuff he does not want to do like hunting.


Jacopo Barbieri

Is very stressed out (and slightly annoyed) with his constant wrecklessness, he feels like he always has to keep an eye on him.



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