


2 years, 4 months ago


post-movie where the movie canon actually was all acting like how it’s supposed to canonically be

They meet when they’re younger, they went to art school together where Sebastian (that is his real name he just keeps it when playing as Seb Grisbane you know how actors do that sometimes) was studying to be an actor and Fortune (Real name Fortunato but most ppl just call them Fortune for convenience) was studying to be a director

They’re both on campus walking to class but it’s not super crowded and Fortune is carrying his film analysis notebook and some pens/pencils but they trip over a rock and it’s all “oh let me help you pick these up” “oh thank you!!” and Sebastian wonders what Fortune’s notes are all about and he tells him he’s an aspiring director and this makes Sebastian happy bc he’s all “oh I'm an aspiring actor!! Maybe we can make a movie together sometimes haha” and they exchanged phone numbers (old phones hehoo it’s 60s, born in the 40s the both of them to be 70 in the 80s you get it)

So they end up talking on the phone n becoming friends n meeting up after class to eat and stuff so they’re just casual nice friends until Fortune actually has a chance to direct a film for school and he’s like hey do you actually wanna be an actor in it? And seb is like :O yes!!! And they both admire each other’s talent and end up working really well together so over the years they become even greater friends and have a rlly good director-actor dynamic too so once there’s only a few days of college left, Sebastian is like well I might lose contact w/ them besides the phone after this and so he confesses his love to Fortune and they return it bc they’ve both been crushing on each other for a while so once college is finally over they live together and stuff and really start their relationship :]

Both of them are lgbt and were suuper closeted about it in their college years, so once they have their own space to themselves they both come out to each other, Sebastian as a trans male and Fortune as nonbinary, and so they both help each other bind and pass and such !! which y’know since it was the 60s they didn’t really use a binder bc they didn’t rlly have binders so they used stuff like bandages and tape and they tied off each other’s chests, they used sports bras too once they were invented in the late 70s