Lee Empty



2 years, 4 months ago


Lee is a 16 year old who was killed and brought back to life. Now Lee attends school on a whim and only in disguise (to avoid an awkward conversation about their death), and spends their spare time using their half of a high school education doing weird experiments on humans, animals, and any other biological subject. Lee regularly attempts to recruit their childhood best friend Leland into their schemes, though Leland is bent on convincing himself that Lee is nothing but a grief induced delusion.

Notably, Lee is bored by art, as well as by most things, is lazy unless driven by spontaneous mania, either completely unaware of or uncaring of social norms and standards, and sleeps like a corpse. (Get it..?)

Lee has lightish brown skin that's slightly discolored compared to the skin of a living, breathing person. Their hair is naturally dark brown but dyed a weird green. They have notably big front teeth and a tooth gap, so they wear braces (they can be any color). After their death their teeth are pretty yellow. They wear square/rectangle glasses, and like wearing hats, and their ears have 3 piercings each. They have a scar along the front of their neck. They usually cover their forearms with arm warmers or similar. They have a lot of scars on their body
Potential accessories include goggles, any silly hat, and one half of a broken heart necklace

(I default to they/them for Lee, but they don't care about pronouns that much. Use what you want. Leland uses they/he for Lee.)