Miloh Kaladin



2 years, 4 months ago


Original post

Having grown up with both a dysfunctional home and family, Miloh always aspired to be something greater than his broken origins. As a child, he and his siblings were never allowed outside the house, not for any reason. After his father left, his mother lived in a constant state of psychosis, paranoid that someone or something would take her children away and leave her with nothing. She only grew worse with time, enforcing fiercer and more extreme measures to keep them inside, and eventually, the other children gave up on trying to escape.

Rather than fall into a state of helplessness as his brother and sister had, he used that oppression as motivation. His mother’s attempts to confine him only steeled his determination and after a heated altercation one stormy summer evening, he finally fled, breaking through the physical and psychological barrier that barred him from the outside world. He was met with a monsoon that, in his confusion, caused him to fall into the city’s main waterway. His atrophied muscles and malnourished body narrowly managed to pull him out of the undercurrents, which would have dragged him down into the underground reservoir to drown.

After evading death, Miloh found shelter in a nearby club where he was introduced to music for the first time. Immediately, he connected with the sound of the digital synth and ended up meeting two people that would become his best friends for the rest of his life. After that night, he swore he would never go back.

With the help of his friends, Miloh adjusted quickly to his new life and began to write his own music, establishing a new home with them and garnering attention under his stage name “Ghost”, a representation of his mysterious origins and his rise in his newfound world.