


6 years, 7 months ago



【 Name 】 Patients【 Called 】 Pat
【 Age 】 26【 D.o.B. 】 10/26
【 Gender 】 male【 Orientation 】 bi
【 Height 】 6' 2"【 Build 】 buff
【 Origin 】 werewolf【 Ethnicity 】 werewolf
【 Role 】 retired ship captain【 Alignment 】 chaotic good
【 Relationship 】 taken【 Theme 】 SONG
【 Status 】 NFS/T【 Worth 】 $259


Patience is an adventurous dude who ran away at a young age to become a pirate and take on the world. He found a great crew and had plenty of fun, at least, at first. Eventually, he and his best friend Jake realized the captain was a ruthless guy who cared nothing for his crew. They began to plan a mutiny, and after gathering enough support, struck while the captain was sick. After successfully getting rid of the captain, Patience took over and began a new era for the ship. He was more caring for his crew, which they rewarded him with loyalty. Patience and his crew became the most feared crew on the seven seas.

One night, they stopped in a shady part of a shady town, and Patience ran into Nico. At first, Nico tried to sleep with him to gt some food money, but Patience refused, feeling sorry for Nico, and just gave him money. Nico nearly had a breakdown, and Patience felt so bad for him, he invited Nico to stay with him in an inn he was renting. Patience became so enamored with Nico, he continued to pay for a place for Nico to live, as well as for food and clothing. Patience visited as often as thy could, and after talking, they decided they wanted to try a long distance relationship; this grew very hard for Nico, and Patience knew he had to change his lifestyle. He eventually passed down the ship to Jake to continue pirating, and has been able to live with Nico ever since


Patience is in general not a cruel guy, but his sense of humor can seem that way. Overall though, he is generally nice guy and tries to help those in need out. Patience's behavior is the same, when talking to new friends or old, and that, with his sense of humor, tends to throw new people off since he can be kind of an asshole. However, he does care if he hurts someones feelings and will make sure to apologize if hes noticed hes hurt someone.

During a Full Moon

Even though Patience already looks like a werewolf half the time, during the full moon he gets slightly bigger, his fur is shaggier, tends to be more bi-pedal, and is over-all more wild. Before, patience use to have to lock himself away and try to tie himself up in order to protect any innocents to happen to come upon him. Since meeting Nico however, Nicos been able to somehow keep him calm and not totally lose it. This makes Nico really happy, since he feels like hes able to do something in return for Patience's help.

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