Kikuchi Yomi



2 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info





Name Kikuchi Yomi
Called Mimi, "Mahito's pet",
Age 19
Gender Female
Race Japanese
Role Self-Indulgent Fan Character
Cursed Technique Matching Scars


  • Reserved
  • Malleable
  • Compassionate
  • Selfless


  • Comfy Clothes
  • Plushies
  • Organization
  • Familiar scents

Simply put, Yomi is a girl who desperately desire affection and attention but doesn't go out of her way to attain such things, she likes to keep to herself mostly with all that has happened to her during her childhood. "It's best to keep yourself small and not draw attention or else people will think you're insane again" is what she constantly tells herself. She works at a bookstore that also doubles as a cafe which she finds really neat, she works the register for the bookstore half. She caught Mahito's attention by her coming up to him and treating him as a human, not anything other, not a curse, just a friend and telling him he should come into the store less he get sick from the rain pouring down onto his form. He was curious about her, her soul was broken but there was no hatred, nor desire to harm others in her soul and thus that encounter brought them together, she became known as his pet and she became severely attached to him. She always looks forwards to there time together and her favorite part of the days is when he visits her at the bookstore.


Yomi in the beginning had a relatively normal childhood, albeit she was a little quiet but that was because she was shy. She was 8 years old when the first major bad thing happened in her life that would change her life for the worse, while on the way to the pick up her mother the Kikuchi family got into a horrible accident, nearly fatal for her and was fatal to her biological father but that near death experience awoke something inside the young Yomi's she was able to see thing that, at the time she thought no one else could see. Horrible things, horrible creatures, which she finds out later called curses. She hated her time in the hospital while she was recuperating from the horrible crash cause she saw curses everywhere and it scared her, and almost everyday she'd cry. At school? Curses. Home? Curses? Outside? Curses. She didn't feel safe anywhere and her mother didn't know what to do, so they both changed. Her mother didn't understand what was happening to her child who used to be so sweet. On one of Yomi's breakdowns she had grasped her and shook her yelling "Why can't you just be normal?! Nothing is there!" Those words stuck with Yomi, her mom put her through therapy. It worked for dealing with the death of her father and the funeral but it didn't touch the drugs made them go away and as a last resort her mother put her into an institution. 4 years went by since the crash and she found herself at the age of 12 in a place littered with curses, her time at the institution and the reactions of others during her breakdowns and "nonsense" taught her something, to keep quiet about what she saw. So Yomi did.

Couple years later

After 3 years passed, when she was 14 she was seemingly better, she tried her best to not mention any of the curses she saw, nor react to them though from time to time when some came too close to her she would flinch. Yomi was labeled insane by her peers when she went back to class, they would pick on her and talk behind her back, her mother started treating her better now that she was "sane" again. She went back to being quiet, reserved and deeply broken on the inside but no one had to know. Couple years later when Yomi was 16 her mother helped her secure a job at a little bookstore that doubled as a small cafe, the owner of the store was an acquaintance of her mothers albeit she was hesitant at first but being a sympathetic woman she allowed Yomi to work there. At the age of 18 she was about to meet someone who would change her life. It was a rainy, grayed out sky that seemed to affect the color and mood of the city. Umbrella in hand the girl made her way to work, she found solace in rainy days, as she made her way to the store she saw a rather peculiar sight...a man? Standing in the street without an umbrella, people gave a wide berth around the area where he stood, maybe it was instinct to move away from the area of unseen bad feelings but to her she didn't notice that they couldn't see the man and was just avoiding she got closer she saw how weird he looked. So that played into Yomi's false sense of security that it was just a very odd man and nothing more. Against her better judgment she walked up to him telling him that he should come inside and that he's getting sick if he stayed in the rain for too long.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Suspendisse id venenatis massa. Aliquam ornare, nibh sit amet interdum elementum, leo sem laoreet nibh, at sollicitudin diam ipsum eu risus. Aenean gravida eu nibh id tincidunt. Pellentesque lorem mauris, cursus sed ligula eget, cursus posuere risus. Phasellus vel enim volutpat, sagittis augue at, condimentum ex. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent consectetur semper ligula, nec pretium tellus iaculis at. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus gravida pellentesque dui. Vestibulum vel dui sed odio vehicula finibus sit amet non mauris. Donec ut posuere dolor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam et nibh lorem.


  • Born on November 22nd, 1998.
  • Suffers from abandonment issues, codependancy and seperation anxiety.
  • Legally blind do to the car crash messing up her eyesight.
  • Never had any desire to harm someone, she never hated anyone but all that changed when Mahito came into her life with his manipulations and breaking her down.
  • Stickler for good hygiene, cleanliness and organization. Oftening attempting to force Mahito to take shower so he doesn't smell like...sewer sludge.
  • N/A
  • N/A



Mahito [ Owner ]

That is her owner, plain and simple but she is absolutely smitten with him. Blinded by his affections that she can't see him for the monster that he really is, the rose colored glasses simply won't break. He loves how he has her so wrapped around his finger that she is willing to do anything for him, of course she'll be hesitant but with the right push in the wrong direction she'll do anything for him and he loves that about her. Mahito really is awful towards her, but not all the time will he be horrible, after all gotta keep your pet happy if you want them to stay? Not like she could leave anyway, she stupidly gave all of herself to him in a vow, and if she did try take the collar off her neck she'd die. If she never had met Mahito she would be living a peaceful life working at the bookstore that Haruka owned and not becoming wanted for the suspected murder of Haruka to the murders of sorcerers and carrying Mahito's child.


"Suguru Geto" [ Acquaintance ]

Yomi finds him off putting, she doesn't really like him nor does she not hate him. Some of the things he says confuse her and since she doesn't know that he is a curse she finds his cruel remarks about humanity and specifically non sorcerers rather confusing.


Chura Seishin [ Childhood Friend ]

They were childhood friends, distantly related as well. They were pretty inseperable until the accident that caused Yomi to see curses. Chura's parents pulled her away from Yomi during the most crucial moment in her life and telling Chura to never interact with that "insane" girl or she'll ruin our family name plus the added family hatred for the Kikuchi's didn't help in this scenario. Yomi felt hurt by the abandoment, after all she was just a child. Chura regrets letting her parents pull her away from Yomi, her guilt furthers when she learns that Mahito has Yomi in the palm of his hands. Malleable like putty.


Haruka Asaka [ Mother Figure ]

Yomi has known Haruka ever since she was a kid after the car accident, Haruka's husband named Kaito and her father Hideki were friends and Kaito was the one who saved her upon her fathers dying wish. Haruka gave Yomi the job at the bookstore/cafe after she came out of the mental institution since her biological mother didn't know what to do for Yomi's 'condition' of seeing curses and thought she was insane. Haruka could not see curses but could sense them so she always knew when Mahito was around Yomi, in her worry she had contacted Gojo who she knew through her late husband; to take a look at Yomi since something was obviously going on ever since Yomi came in with a collar around her neck one day. Haruka loved Yomi as if she was her own, even till the very end from the fight they got into the night prior over finding out Yomi was carrying a cursed child to Yomi coming down from the upstairs spare bedroom to seeing her barely alive in such a horrible way, using her last breath to tell her she loved her and never once blamed her. The only time Haruka ever saw Mahito was the day before her death, coming home from the hospital after getting hit by a car she saw him around Yomi and it all made sense. But she was too late.


Satoru Gojo [ Acquaintance ]

Met him a couple times upon request from Haruka because of her worry over Yomi to what has suddenly attached itself to her and the mysterious collar around her neck. Yomi personally doesn't know how to feel about Gojo; still doesn't...part of her wanted to be saved and helped but that was squandered before it could fully bloom. The first time was talking about what was going on which she opened up a bit but went silent upon realizing she was saying too much, the second time was Gojo telling her that she was carrying a cursed child and that there was no hope for her...third time was seeing Yomi on her knees and covered in Haruka's blood and before she could finish her sentence of "I didn't-" she was grabbed by my friends curse Kiyomi and disappeared before he could fully register the scene before him and act. Never knowing if she meant "I didn't kill her" or "I didn't mean to".


Masaomi [ Child ]

The cursed child born from the night Yomi gave all of herself to Mahito. Yomi cherishes the half curse deeply, viewing her as a miracle child since the doctors told her she would never be able to have kids of her own since the car crash from her childhood severed the uterus.


Kiyomi [ Acquaintance ]



Yumeko Hasegawa [ Victim ]

Met once, and only once. Yomi, because of Mahito murdered Yumeko in a panic filled with an unknown emotion, hatred, simply because she was a Jujutsu sorcerer and Mahito told her they were bad and evil, that they would harm her or him...and she doesn't want that to happen. Right? Yumeko genuinely felt sorry for Yomi's situation even when she took her final breath.


Hitomi Hasegawa [ Victim ]



Shiemi [ Victim ]



Aiko Yamaguchi [ Victim ]