


8 years, 9 months ago



Name Mushi
Sexuality Straight
Age Young? (Immortal)
Relationship Status Taken
Gender Female
Job Livestock Protector
Species Ushi-Doragon
Theme Song link

Sweet • Playful • Maternal

Mushi is very mild-tempered and playful, as silent as a mouse and could sneak up on anyone if it wasn't for the giant bell around her neck. Not that she's all that mischeivious!


  • No surprise, but she loves milk
  • Baby animals
  • Soft wool and cozy straw
  • Watching Starion put up the stars at night


  • Cold weather
  • Predators


Ushi-Doragons appear in places with large amounts of sheep or cattle that may be in danger of predators such as coyotes, wolves, large cats, or even bears. They are nocturnal and guard the fields at night. They are very peaceful and use magic instead of force to keep the beasts away. If they are ever injured or betrayed by a human from the village they are protecting, they will leave a bad omen in the fields to warn all other magic creatures away, and they will never return to this place. It is said that their blood will leave permanent stains on anything it touches as a life-long reminder of a wrong done to an innocent creature.

Design notes

  • About the size of a lamb with a smooth scaly tail (like a snake) and very soft fur everywhere else
  • Super fluffy everywhere except her tail


  • Mushi lives out in the fields with her sheep herd, or in the barns and stables when it's cold out
  • She's supposed to be awake during the day to keep watch over her herd, but she's starting to stay up later and later to make sure she can see Starion do his magic.





Starion Mate

Starion is the love of her life and makes Mushi endlessly happy~ She stares at him like he hangs the stars in the sky every night. Partially because he does, but, she'd still stare at him even if he didn't.

HTML by lowkeywicked