
2 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Kai K-16-253




Robot - Explody bot


Forever 19 y.o


9 February


175 cm


Nonbinary (he/him)




Server (and part time delivery guy) at Zomburger, pro entertainer at birthday parties


Happy, hype positive guy!


Party, cake and sweets, silly stuff


Sad frens


Making cakes and do parties



"Welcome to the party! Make yourself at home and try out the drinks!"


Kai might be a failed bot product, but that doesn't make him less positive in his life. Kai is known as a cheerful robot who loves party. Anywhere, anytime, he would always look happy while violently leaving tracks of confetti. Knowing he is not strong enough to be helping in battlefield, Kai took his personality and ability as a job that he enjoys, being paid to make parties fun and rousing. If you need a person to make your party merrier, you know who's to call!



  • Axel would often try to hit him due to frustation, but since Kai is made out of steel, Kai never really feel pain, and have the pain felt by Axel instead.
  • His favorite drink is bubblegum ice drink.
  • He easily trust people.
  • He's really good and engineering.
  • Kai and Frostine often teasing Axel as they were on the "good side"" on some circumstances.
  • He likes to deliver pipebomb to the plant base.

253 is his number code, he was made back in 2016 as one powerful weapon to help the zombies in the battlefield. Out of hundreds successful ones, he is one of the few that malfunctioned when testing, makes him ended up thrown to the dumpster in the same night he was made and tested. However, the technicians are forgetting to takes his systems down and his cables cuts, making him awoken in the dirty dumpster, confused with his surroundings. His life starts as he crawls out of that dumpster and sees the moonlight, which was the only company he had.

he starting out trying to discover things around him. It's a pretty easy task to do thou, as the chip inside his head pretty much tells basic human knowledge. Instead thing that confuses himself more was what to call himself as. all he knew was 235. He would talk to little imps and introduce himself as 235, but he never felt alive with such name, and he decided to discover new things, as well he might stumbled upon a good name for himself, replacing his numbers.

over the years 235's body developed, he fixes himself and build himself a new body, he definitely satisfied with it. But no matter what, other "perfect" bots would always trashes on him. It's not even rare that some stronger bots would destroy his body again. 235 always seeks revenge, but he knew he is not even half as strong as those bots are, but deep inside it's just hatred and anger. Would often unleashes it with breaking unused vases with hammer, most of the times it helps, but he wishes for a better way to unleashes his feelings.

His life peaked when there was a big party held on Zomburbia, he never knew what the party is about, but he chimed in anyway because the party was for everyone, and every zombie could go in and leave whenever they want, for some reason. 235 staring at all the colorful lights, trying out the tasty food and drinks, and listening to the pop music that plays loudly in the party, he feels alive for the first time. His body dance by itself, making sick moves, not caring about anything around him and just dances as he pleases. Not noticing people are watching in awe seeing his dancing skill. 235 stopped his moves as the music ends, and then seeing all the crowds looking at him and starts clapping, appreciating him. "AWESOME!, "Do that again!", and other compliments were thrown at him, feeling flustered and happy. Never really feel appreciated before and now he finally did.

He decided to make Party a personality. Wearing funky little clothes while throwing confetti. At first it was a bit embarasing and how some newspaper zombies are yelling as how loud he is. But he frequently going to parties and make the party more fun. People wants him to be in their parties, and that builds a confident in him. Making who he is now