


2 years, 2 months ago


T.O.S. and Other Important Things

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed consequat lorem quis pellentesque ultricies. Vivamus mi quam, eleifend eget turpis ut, ultricies aliquam felis. Integer quis dui venenatis, venenatis metus ac, elementum magna. Mauris ultrices magna quis consequat molestie.


  • I'm most active on Instagram, so feel free to message me there for any reason!
  • I'm second most active here, so dms or comments on any characters regarding offers will be responded to pretty quickly. I'm sorry if it takes a while, though, as I have things to do during the day.
  • I'm not very active on DeviantArt anymore, but I do check it occasionally in case you send a note there. I highly reccomend dming me either here or on Insta, though.
  • I'm not really part of many specific fandoms, I just watch shows or play games if they interest me.


  • trade or sell my characters for whatever you want once you own them.
  • edit/change/despecied or change species of my character's designs once you own them.
  • make art of any of my characters. just make sure to tag me or link them to me so I can give them the love they deserve!
  • do basically whatever you want with my characters. If you own them, I have no problem with it, as long as it's not promoting hate speech or bigotry of any kind.


  • delete any of my characters/character designs without letting me know first.
  • beg for free characters or try to haggle prices on characters that i've stated that are a specific set price.
  • beg for free art.
  • resell my characters for stupidly high prices if they clearly aren't worth that much.
  • make merch of designs made by me without asking me beforehand, regardless of if you own them or not.

Some things you should keep in mind


  • Some of my characters have dark and/or unsettling themes, such as, but not limited to: war, abuse, self-harm, neglect, body horror, gore, blood, trauma, and discrimination. I do not condone these things, and merely use them in my stores for the sake of chracter development.
  • I may not respond to dms or comments for a while, and that's just because I'm busy most of the day. I do promise that i'll get around to answering any comments though.


  • You are a pedophile, zoophile, necrophile, proshipper, etc.
  • You are racist, transphobic, biphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, etc.
  • You are part of the countryhumans fandom, No Game No Life fandom, or the Danganronpa fandom. No hate to these fandoms as a whole, I simply have had bad experiences with specifically creepy people in said fandoms, and would prefer to keep my distance.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed consequat lorem quis pellentesque ultricies. Vivamus mi quam, eleifend eget turpis ut, ultricies aliquam felis. Integer quis dui venenatis, venenatis metus ac, elementum magna. Mauris ultrices magna quis consequat molestie.


  • user
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • user
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • user
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • user
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.