Aurelia Hillcrest



2 years, 7 months ago



Aurelia was born and raised in the Feywild. When she was eighteen, she said goodbye to her family and made her way to Aiyra to see if there was something more for her there. She settled in the southern forests for a time. After a few years, she began to travel. In her travels, however, she caught wind of rumors that something was happening back in the Feywild and, worried for her family’s wellbeing, went looking for a way back.

She happened across a group of adventurers on their way to the Feywild and joined up with them to put a stop to the one taking over her home.

After they saved the Feywild, she returned to Aiyra. She decided to stay with the group (later given the title "Lightbearers of Divithiss") to continue the fight against the Cult of Lunf'Yelt and to try and discover the mysterious beginnings of the war with the dragons. It hasn't been easy and she's already lost too many friends. She is now the second "oldest" member of the party and she's very worried about what will happen if the last of the original party has to go.

Personality Traits:

- Neutral Good. She relies more on her own morals than other people telling her what is right or wrong.

- Aurelia is a bit of a bleeding heart and will help anyone in need if she can.

- She's not one to back down from a fight; especially if her companions are in danger, but she really likes to know if they're fighting the right side (Or, at the very least; doesn't go againt her morals).


- Aurelia believes everyone should be treated with respect.

- Aurelia is very sincere; she’s not one to pretend she’s something she’s not.


- Her tools are symbols of her past life, and she carries them so that she will never forget her roots.

- She loves her family and her friends, and will go through great lengths to make sure they're safe.


- Aurelia is quite non-confrontational and is unsure of how to resolve conflicts, especially within her own party.

- She is liable to put herself in harm's way if it means those she cares for are protected.

Notable possessions:

- Dagger belt full of throwing daggers

- Dragon's Wrath longsword

- Javelins of Lightning

- Horseshoes of Spider Climbing (she can walk on walls and ceilings)

- Gray bag of tricks (Lets her summon a random animal. Usually badgers)

- Carpenter's tools (She enjoys whittling little statues in her spare time)

Notable spells:

- Zephyr Strike (She ZOOM)

- Pass without trace

- Conjure Barrage (She throws one knife and it turns into MANY knives)

- A handful of basic healing spells.