


6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

UnOfficial Mutation

Body Dye Potion

UnOfficial Mutation

Enchanted Stitch Bean- Bag



"I hate showers and girly things!"


Name || Maggila
Alias || Ophiotaurus
Gender || Femal
Bagbean Number || #542
Masterlist Entry || https://www.deviantart.com/art/542-Ophiotaurus-689516201
Political Status || Peasant
Occupation || None Yet



➣ Description

Maggy loves the outdoors. She enjoys mud baths and making tiny mazes for others to play with. She hates girly clothes and feels shy around other feminine sprouts. She tends to avoid 'girly' bagbeans in the community.

Maggila is a bit sloppy and not very good at communicating. She gets frustrated easily, and her hot temper makes her hard to interact with. Those that know her, understand when she needs her space, or she gets destructive.

Likes ||
❤ Mazes
❤ Mud
❤ Singing
Dislikes ||
✘ Dresses
✘ Getting Haircuts
✘ Shaving down her horns

➣ Quirks & Habits

  • Hot Tempered.

  • Destructive

  • Hates the Heat

  • Childish



➣ Basics

Height || 86cm Eyes || Colored Eye Mutation- Gold
Build || Sturdy Inner Ear Color || Pink
Pawpads || Circles Fingernail Color || Gold

➣ Description

Maggy is a mossy green, she rarely baths, so her white fur normally looks brown.

Maggy has a nose ring, that she got after her identity trial. She enjoys fiddling with it when she's bored.

Magilla is not good at taking baths, and gets muddy easily. She is an outdoors girl, who gets bored easily inside.

Maggy wears pig tails in her hair because she can't figure out how to style any different. She does secretly wish she could braid it fancily but she is too embarrassed to ask anyone to help her.

Maggy sticks whatever she finds in her bag. A lot of times she puts sticks in it so she can make mini mazes for fun. Her bag isn't very appreciative of it, as sticks hurt its inside.



➣ Background


Magilla was always picked on as a sprout and didn't really fit in with the girly sprouts. Magilla was so quiet no one knew what her voice sounded like. She hid herself in her hair and refused to go to school. She wasn't good at reading or studies, but had a knack for destroying things. Things changed when she decided she was tired of being made fun of. She became a bit of a bully to hide her insecurities of herself. During her identity trial, she learned to be okay with her 'ugly' self and has become more comfortable being a grungy cow naga.


She met Airus one day, and became instant friends. Magilla is not trusting of others though. Airus was able to win her over, because Maggy could tell that the nautilus bean does not care about appearances and takes things at face value.


td> <td style= ➣ Airus

Both love to goof off. Maggy considers Airus her best friends. Out of everyone one else in the community, Airus is the only one that doesn't grate on Maggy's nerves. Maggy likes to practice her hair braiding skills but she is not very good at it, but Airus lets her do whatever she wants..

4900657_mXBqUPtGRocDyVX.png ➣ Django

A bit of a bully to Django, because she doesn't know how to interact with someone so happy all the time. She does enjoy collecting plants with Django for his paints though.

This template was created by wicked. Please do not copy, reference or redistribute without permission