β™₯~.:πŸ“ Vanilla πŸ“ :.~β™₯



2 years, 3 months ago



Basic Info
NameVanilla Daydream
Nickname Nila, Vanny
Age Β 27
BirthdayMay 3rd
Height 5'3 / 160cm
Gender Male (He/They)
VoiceHello Kitty (Hello Kitty and Friends)
OriginPalace Town
Orientation Bisexual / Biromantic
Occupation Esthetician
Status Single
  • Hello Kitty β™‘
  • Cutesy Cosmetics and Facial Masks
  • Lolita Fashion
  • Human Anatomy
  • Zebra Prints
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Two-in-One Products
  • Loose Threads
  • He has a bad case of mimicry and tends to imitate or copy the movements and speech of other people.

  • If you couldn't tell already, he absolutely adores Hello Kitty! His home is decorated to the brim in Hello Kitty merchandise. From the couch, to the pillows, to the table cloths, all decked out in Hello Kitty. He nicknames his home "Kitty's Palace" named after his birth place and, of course, Hello Kitty.

  • To some extent, his empathy is limited. He lacks the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. This, however, does not mean he cannot bond or develop a strong connection with those considered dear to him. He simply struggles to feel or understand.

  • He adores making and sharing homemade face masks and cleansers among his friends. Likewise with those he doesn't like. Except those ones are stimulated with acid - painfully melting the person's face off.

    He has the ability to copy and duplicate the skills of another. The disadvantage is that it takes him a while to become acclimated to the ability, which results in a few poor efforts. He merely imitates the psychic energy outputs, genetic structure, and physiology. He can even combine numerous powers together and use them as a mesh.

  • He's incredibly fond of cute accessories and jewelry. Especially those made of red velvet, which happens to be his favorite color.

  • Red velvet cupcakes are his favorite dessert, however he aims to minimise his intake of sweets and unhealthy foods.

  • He's quite particular about his skincare routine. He washes his face first thing in the morning and again before bed. He uses facial masks three times a week, moisturizes daily, and never goes to bed with his makeup on. He doesn't wish to harm or spoil his skin with pimples and acne.

  • He self-harms through cutting and scratching his legs. He never leaves his open wounds unattended and bandages them right after.


Seemingly Sweet . PleasantΒ . Caring . Mimicry . Solicitous.Β Terrifying . Cruel
"Don't worry your pretty little head.
I'll take good care of you."

Vanilla comes across as a pleasant individual with minimal aptitude for animosity. He's typically seen as good spirited and gentle with his hands. As an esthetician, he believes it is important to project a caring and meek demeanor in order to soothe and calm those with whom he works on. He performs a variety of cosmetic skin treatments, such as facials, superficial chemical peels, body treatments, and waxing among many other beauty therapies. He also evaluates his clients' skin conditions and appearance, as well as discussing treatment options and determining which products will help them enhance their skin quality. Vanilla strives to make those feel confident and lavished in their own body by pampering and sprucing up their skincare. Everyone deserves to be beautiful in his eyes.

He possesses his own line of skincare and cosmetics called "Cute as a Doll." All products are handmade by him personally and stored in the safety of his basement. His products are opted to perfection byΒ harvestingΒ beautiful people. Vanilla fixates, stalks, and kidnaps his victims in order to use them for his products. Vanilla despises wasting, thus no portion of the body is left unused. Eyelashes are plucked to become falsies, blood is turned into lipstick, and fingernails are ripped off to be polished with acrylics.

To those who know him personally (his friends) he tends to be a bit crueler and terrifying in personality. He is the scariest among his friend group, outranking Maverick by two points. If pushed to his wits end (regardless of the circumstance), he will absolutely lose his shit and go manic on everyone. Cursing, yelling, and assaulting whoever out of rage. He handles his stress through malice, and rarely does he ever take a mellow approach to the things that bother him. While his initial methods of badmouthing and manipulation are relatively tame, he will quickly descend into a homicidal rage if the perceived problem persists.Β 


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Balthazar | (Friend)
"Your stories are quite exquisite. Eh, I hope I used that word correctly."

Vanilla is one of the very few people who never grows bored in the company of Balthazar. He likes to drop by the castle every now and then and leave delectable dinners for the two of them to share. He is quite respectful of Balthazar's private and quiet lifestyle, and never does anything of the sort to disturb it. They're close friends and have been since they were both young bucks. Vanilla enjoys giving Balthazar nail treatments, while Balthazar enjoys giving Vanilla handwritten poems that he composed on the spur of the moment.

He is, however, not immune to Vanilla's violent outbursts when they hit. He tends to get the worst treatment out of everyone for some reason.Β 


Candyfloss | (Friend)
"Just listen to the voices in your head. They know more than you do."

Vanilla is close friends with Candyfloss for all the wrong reasons. His love for the little Goatling is far from pure, and he intends to use, manipulate, and torture him for as long as they are united. He manipulates Candyfloss by convincing him that his hallucinations and delusions are real. Or Vanilla tells him to listen to the voices in his head, inflicting Candyfloss to hurt himself. His motive for his heinous behaviors is nothing more than revenge. Candyfloss in the past had hurt Vanilla through emotional abuse, ultimately stealing the one thing that meant the world to him. Through the pain and agony he'd experienced, he's fought back and treats Candyfloss far worse than he had ever done to him. He plays it off as they're friends and he's only doing what's best for Candyfloss. But in reality, Vanilla hates his guts and wants him to suffer like he did. He still considers Candyfloss as a friend, oddly enough. Call him crazy but he feels connected to him despite everything.Β 


Snuggles | (Younger Brother)
"Awh~! You little cutie pie! Your big brother loves you!"

He loves his little brother to the moon and back! He is fiercely protective of Snuggles and will become outraged if he is hurt in any way. Vanilla is always checking up on Snuggles at all hours of the day to ensure he is doing well. He can be somewhat too possessive of him to the point it brings Snuggles discomfort. Despite this, Vanilla's motherly demeanor toward him remains unaltered. He takes very good care of his brother, he feels responsible for him.Β 


Maverick | (Friend / Dislikes)
"Ugly on the inside and out. It makes me vomit."

He doesn't really like Maverick. He simply refers to him as a friend because they have been close for so long. The two frequently engage in tense disagreements that quickly spiral out of control. They have no boundaries for how severe they may get, ranging from physical assault to verbal abuse.Β