


6 years, 7 months ago




  • Ailbe; he/him, somewhere between 37-41 
  • his name is pronounced "all-bay". people read/say it incorrectly 99% of the time. he has stopped attempting to correct them for the last several years now and will honestly answer to anything that sounds at least somewhat similar. 
  • blunt, unconventional, crass, impulsive; he is often mistaken for a savage. he has a pension for making wildly inappropriate/morbid jokes and somewhat delights in making the other party immensely uncomfortable. he has little to no niceties or social polish at all and generally prefers his own company to that of a crowd. 
  • has a finely cultivated hatred of the city and will avoid trips into town at any and all cost. he sees technology as the invention of lazier men, and loathes the haughty and well-educated. 
  • grew up extraordinarily poor and extraordinarily superstitious. 
    • before his birth, his father was nearly stolen away by faeries. his mother saved him, purging the impostor changeling from her home and pulling her husband back into the land of the living. decades later, when Ailbe was just a boy, the faeries would come again, this time for his mother. Ailbe was fooled by the changeling that replaced her, and realized it wasn't his mother only after it was too late. he has never forgiven himself for the tragedy, and has since  dedicated his life to eradicating fae-kind.  
  • his mother was believed to be a witch by the locals. many claimed to see her commune with faerie kind frequently, but the woman denied any and all involvement. Ailbe has always kept the firm belief she too sought to hunt the fae, as she never left home without a full quiver or iron cross. 
    • considering his mothers involvement with faeries, and the fact Ailbe can pass freely in and out of the beyond (without assistance from fae-kind) it is a fair assumption that he himself might have some kind of fae-blood in him, though extremely sparse. 
  • the majority of people that meet him think he is absolutely insane. the minority think he is an absolute godsend. either way, he is vastly apathetic to outside opinion. 
  • his aim is to ensure fae-kind never venture out of their realm/courts. despite his vehement hate and distrust, Ailbe will not hunt a faerie unless provoked or he believes they are crossing into the mortal realm. additionally, he takes work as a tracker; willing to enter the beyond and find a soul stolen by a faerie, but his services ain't cheap. 
  • he has a particularly strong disgust towards changelings. it isn't unheard of for him to accept work involving the body-snatchers without so much as asking for a penny. 
  • loves telling stories of his hunts. he swears vehemently he has ridden a unicorn exactly once, and tried wrestling a selkie for her hide (the selkie won). 
  • plays the harmonica. carves wooden animals when he's bored. lowkey is terrified of the sky and dogs. 
  • aesthetic board
  • fc used: kristofer hivju