


6 years, 7 months ago




Saros was once a proud warrior for Ares, the god of war. He lived among the stars, fighting wherever he was required throughout the cosmos. Distinguished in battle, Ares was found of the big cat warrior. In those times, Saros was pure white, signifying his strength and nobility. His white fur shimmered on the battle field, often attracting many enemies. However, no matter how many enemies challenged Saros, he remained unscathed.

Saros was strong and brave, but he had one weakness. He was too fond of Earth, particularly one being on Earth. He loved a snow leopard named Ophelia. She was beautiful. She had a keen interest in the stars and wold often look upon them and smile. Saros loved that smile. He would often watch over her when he was not in battle.

One day, Saros was to fight on Earth. An enemy of Ares had challenged him, threatening to destroy Ares. Ares sent Saros, his strongest warrior, to fight. While Saros was fighting the challenger, his army began attacking Ophelia's village. Saros was torn. He had to fight this enemy, but he could not let Ophelia die. Saros betrayed Ares, leaving the fight to rescue Ophelia. By the time Saros descended upon the village, it was too late. Fire consumed the houses of the village and blood splattered the footpaths. Saros burst into a fit of rage, destroying the entire army single handed. He stood above the last body, panting from exhaustion. Saros' legs trembled as he tried to find Ophelia. In a snowy field, Saros found her. She lay sprawled on the ground, he beautiful white fur stained gray from the smoke and ash. She had a wound on her chest, from an arrow. There was a blood trail coming from the village to her body, indicating she tried to escape by dragging herself away. Saros' eyes filled with tears. As he fell onto her body, he began to wail.

"Saros!" A deep voice bellowed in the harsh silence. Saros lifted his head and saw Ares. His menacing figure was staring down at Saros, bitter disappointment and rage flaring in his eyes. "How could you betray me?" Ares asked, his voice filled with resentment, "You have disgraced my name by abandoning battle to save a mere earthling!" Saros could feel nothing. His eyes stared back blankly at the enraged god. 

"I am sorry..." Saros murmured weakly. "I liked you Saros," Ares replied, his voice tinged with sadness and regret, "You must be punished." Ares raised his claws, anger and sadness in his eyes. He slashed Saros from head to tail. Saros yowled in pain. He had never experienced pain this intense. 

"You are now marked with interstellar scars. They will never heal. You are marked as a traitor forever." Ares bellowed before disappearing. Saros stood shakily. He looked down at his body, marked with shimmering blue scars. Saros picked himself up and buried Ophelia's body. Afterwards, he began to wander aimlessly. 


Saros was once proud and dignified. However, he is now melancholy and lifeless. He is often found lazily sleeping somewhere, not caring about anything. He no longer travels the stars. He permanently resides on Earth as punishment for his betrayal. Saros does not like to have fun. He is masochistic in the way he never allows himself to feel any joy. He feels that he is not allowed joy due to betraying Ares and failing to save Ophelia.