


2 years, 3 months ago


she / he / it (+ some fire/lightning themed neos maybe?) transmasc lesbian

I was initially going to make her super young but. i feel like super old fits? probably like 26/34 or just somewhere inbetween? cuz this bitch got MARRIED and had KIDS.. OR MAYBE just  ever so slightly older than the others in its bestie gang but acts like the oldest and wisest (then proceeds to eat treebark) cuz he thinks its hilarious.    its not.

where did he come from? WHO KNOWS!!! 

incredibly good fisher, has probably broken every single record for river fish
mild amnesia due to head trauma
very nearsighted but downright REFUSES to get glasses due to "getting them wet in water" (PERSCRIPTION GOGGLES????)
likes reading! probably has a few of its own stories in the works.. ask him about them. please.

did sparks wash up on the beach of whatever land that his current gang lives on with no memory of where she came from or was?  yyyyYYYUP!    if you ask it about that, all it'll say is that "i recall there being some planks being walked.."