Rhyne Weisse



Basic Info

Full Name

Rhyne Adrienne Weisse


Beauty goddess, Rhy (By her sister Vesca), Heir of Order, Angel, AngelicDrums


Goddess of Goodness, AngelicDrums, Beauty goddess.


Yuki Nakashima/Emily Cramer (Similar to Bandori's Lisa Imai)


Unknown. Appears 18 (probably several million years old), Deity.


Female (She/Her)


Heaven. (Came out of Brau's forehead as a materialized thought)


11th January


Capricorn (♑)





Eye Color

Royal blue

Hair color

Auburn blonde, tinted to Orange.


Hair is sorted in a neatly held ponytail with most of her hair scattered on her back. it reaches her mid back... the front is equally styled bangs that reach her ears. with a fringe that reaches the eyebrows. it's neatly sorted to the right with a rebellious strand. she tends to wear a hairpin or hair clip on the back of her head. ususaly with dangles.

Dominant hand

Right handed

Body build

Slightly athletic

3 Sizes



Taiko drumming, Hair accessories collection, Music vlogging.

Favourite Food

Rice, Curry

Disliked Food



Rhyne Weisse is my second most used OC. and the best friend of Ayan

She is a second year student in Metatron Academy and a drummer in Hel's Aria, she's the glue of Hel's Aria essentially.

Rhyne is especially famous because of her video channel "Angelic♫Drums" where she talks about music and performs covers, she has over 18 million followers.

Rhyne has a disability of flight manoeuvring. she wears toe rings that aid her with the task.

She is considered extremely beautiful (Due to the fact she is actually a goddess), and despite her short stature. she is often invited to model for agencies and gets commissioned often. however. due to her disability. Rhyne prefers living in Midgard (the middle lands) of Harmonia. due to her being uncapable of flying correctly. even though she wears aids. she still doesn't trust herself and prefers living in Oratia.

Despite living on earth. Rhyne controls the force of Goodness in the moral compass. and revered as one of the 4 main goddesses. (Those who know obviously)

Her causal attire consists of a purple tube-top with frills around her waist, Gray-white jeans held with a belt and dark brown boots, designed for hiking. she has a sleeve tattoo on her left arm in the japanese design. she usually wears a sleeve that hides it though (Detached)

when open shoes, her toe rings, worn on each foot on her second toe sparkle in the light. they are white golden, and designed to look casual.

Her school outfit is Metatron's second year outfit, and Rhyne is almost always seen with mid thigh stockings.

As daughter of the creator Brau, and being sister to Lyrienne; Rhyne inherited most of her father's personality. She is kind, compassionate, and always willing to help. she tends to work very hard when she's passionate over something, almost to the level she'd tire herself out. Ayan helps her in reminding not to do that... she loves to cook and take care of children. often to the level she visits hospitals and creates events to cheer them up.

Rhyne believes that everyone are good in their nature. causing her to be often perceived as a Naïve person. she does have the charisma to convince of that nature and would stand firm in her ideology if she believes it's the truth. as an goddess... she is very inexperienced in love conversations, and gets flustered easily over this, but learning how to do it slow and steady.