Inky Henderson



2 years, 3 months ago



Inky Garfield Henderson 
Earth 2 
Robot (originally human)
Too straight for his own good 


Spencer Garfield Henderson, also known as inky, is a small little robot dude from earth 2!! He is extremely Grumpy, and can be incredibly mean when he feels like he isn’t getting what he wants. He hates most of the world current state, as he has an incredibly middle-aged-man mindset. inky Henderson works at the AK as an assassin who kills the humans that trespass earth 2 in America!!  he doesn’t have a good relationship with most of his house mates, but deep inside, he does TRY to mean well. He is quite smart despite his boundless anger being the front of his personality. He is actually kinda sad a lot, as he wishes to better himself in the long run. But for now, he’s a struggling dad.

  • ✅YESSS

  • -Women
  • -Football
  • -The news
  • -Vodka
  • -Smoking
  • -Brixy
  • -His daughter 
  • -cheesy sitcoms 
  • -fancy dinners
  • -Women wit BIG OL HONKERS..………HELP….
  • -his man friends 

  • ❌NOO





-everyone else 


-if I were to list everything he hates it would most definitely take YEARS.


Inky is a short robot. He has a pink head, large eyebrows, and a giant grey metal body. His mouth is on his chest, and he has pure white eyes (please don’t draw him with pupils). His arms and legs are both a darker grey with metallic lines, and pink joints on his elbows and knees. His feet are pointed, with pronounced shoe like heels. When he walks, he always makes a heavy Klang noise. Despite him being only 4’4ft, he is quite heavy.

Pets: Doomslayer (Tiny calico/tabby kitten)

Inky henderson was born in 1984 in Moscow, Russia. He was born to a poor family, and was very closeted due to his very strict parents. his father worked as a chemist for a local medication company. Inky was always having horrible anger issues, which made him secluded from others. He just liked doing his own things at his own time. He was 12 at the time.
One day out of sheer hatred for his son, his father used inky as a test subject for one of his failed (he didn’t know at the time) medications Simply known as: LIF. his father injected the medication into inky, not knowing the horrible consequences it would cause. Inky’s skin has melted into a pile of blood and inky, organs showing, where he then suddenly reformed into a metallic robot. the medication had small nanobots in it, used originally for cell and tissue constructing. He became what we know today as inky.

Inky ran away from home after looking at himself And screaming at his father and his family. He ran and ran…not knowing when it would end. Until he passed out In the middle of some strange woods.

inky was then found by hexy, and knew his life was changed forever And  he changed his name to to inky due to his later discovered shape-shifting abilities, and the fact that his blood was an inky looking pink.

inky wishes he could be human again, but is very much grateful that he is still alive.


  • ● Inky is actually colored blind! He has trouble differentiating some colors. He also has some foggy vision! Should really get glasses…

  • ● despite not having both ears and a nose, he can smell and hear things perfectly fine.

  • ● Inky has an adopted daughter named Eltra!

  • ● despite his small stature, inky is very powerful. He can punch and kick very well, and his steel fits come from a long time of boxing, something he had to do in order to graduate highschool in order to join the AK collage. 

  • ● Inkys failed attempts at getting women are due to the fact that he thinks Leo took brixy away from him in Highschool and now has to suffice by looking for, as he puts it, “Hot, Sexy, Ladybabes.”

  • ● Inkys voice is something that of a new yorker. His voice is very scratchy and rough, and has a hint of a metallic echo to it. My best voice claim for him is any type of middle aged NYker or Literally Danny devito With a filter over it.

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