Tuhul’Lhp The Determined



2 years, 6 months ago



A rather loud, rash young Brood who wields Light. Granting her the Solar abilities of the Hunter.

She’s rather bad at her job. Weak, runs into battle, it’s a shock she hasn’t been killed off permanently yet.

She is under the biggest hive commander of all, Commander Baron, as he’s known to Guardians. He’s very tough, strict, and silent. Him being a Void Titan.

She found Duke and Maria, and studied them, seeing how phenomenal their power is. She came to see herself in Maria, to the point where she realized that possibly she needed a Titan companion of her own?

She proposed the idea to Commander Baron, who was intrigued, and decided to test her, to see if it would be worth his time. In combat, of course!

She lost miserably, being very unskilled at everything combat related. But, he reached out his hand and offered to give her that chance. Which, lead to her going “*thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!*” and hugged him, that being his first hug ever, definitely awakening a soft side in him.

Tuhul dreams of being known, being seen, before she eventually dies alone on the battlefield. Baron gifted her the title of “Tuhul-Lhp the Determined” and she’s been gleaming ever since!