Rihito Torima



2 years, 3 months ago


 rihito torima 

abandon ship
Steffan Argus

01 — Profile

Name Rihito Torima
Nicknames Rihi
Age 21
Gender Male ( He/Him )
Height 5'2''
Birthdate June 6th
Race Human
Orientation Pansexual

Status ??? | PttP

  • "Road work ahead? Yeah I sure hope it does."

  • "I said, you know, like a liar."

  • "Do you think if I strap some fireworks on my heelys would it turn my shoes into rockets?"

  • "Oh are you going to punch me? Better make it count better make it your best shot."

  • "Sorry Engel-san I was too focused watching restoration videos on Youtube at 3AM."

  • "In a scale from 1 to Linking Park how bad it is?"

  • "I'm a funny little man a silly fella you wouldn't want to hurt someone like me, right?"
02 — Personality

Carefree, optimistic, goofy and intelligent. Rihito is an always-smiling kind of person who finds enjoyment in becoming a public annoyance towards everyone. Sly and mischievous, it always looks like he’s scheming pranks against the first person he gets his eyes on independently of what kind of reaction the other might have after it.

That’s why others might label him as a joyful kind of asshole, because he is exactly that. Rihito has a liking for provoking people to see their reactions for his own amusement, he even calls people nicknames depending on how he feels about them. He can also be quite blunt when it comes to speaking his mind, which might unwillingly drag him into problems.

Even if Rihito can be quite problematic, Rihito is also a playful, kind and caring person even if those traits tend to get eclipsed by his annoying self. Rihito deeply cares about the people he gets along with to the point of being willing to sacrifice himself for them.


  • Sketchbooks

  • Ice Cream

  • Soccer

  • Parkour

  • Spicy Food

  • Tumbtacks

  • Glass Sculptures

  • Soap Operas
03 — Background

public biography

In cursus nisi ac eros convallis, at fringilla purus laoreet. Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et. Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend. Vestibulum ornare id eros id rutrum. Vivamus sagittis, tellus at dignissim congue, ipsum dui dignissim tortor, ac eleifend arcu lacus lacinia massa. Mauris eget venenatis sapien.

Nullam non laoreet erat, at rhoncus tellus. Aenean sodales, ipsum nec tincidunt rhoncus, tellus nibh dignissim ante, at facilisis nisl nibh bibendum massa. Donec placerat arcu a turpis commodo eleifend. Aenean at odio velit. Morbi accumsan condimentum nunc, vitae semper justo luctus vitae. Ut ac lobortis nunc. Vivamus eget turpis massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam convallis eros non cursus hendrerit.

paint the town pink


04 — Trivia

  • Rihito Torima was made in early 2018, being the first OC I did in a rp that actually finished.

  • Rihito used to be my second favourite OC, having been applied to a handful of killing games before his retirement in mid 2020.

  • Rihito's mask follows his expressions despite that being unrealistic, as he has cartoony inspirations to his design.

  • Rihito canonically has a Tik Tok account where he follows the trends he likes.
05 — Relationships

Engel Federn
 Mother Figure

In cursus nisi ac eros convallis, at fringilla purus laoreet. Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et. Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend. Vestibulum ornare id eros id rutrum.

Nullam non laoreet erat, at rhoncus tellus. Aenean sodales, ipsum nec tincidunt rhoncus, tellus nibh dignissim ante, at facilisis nisl nibh bibendum massa. Vivamus eget turpis massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam convallis eros non cursus hendrerit.

Teufel Vertrag
 Father Figure

In cursus nisi ac eros convallis, at fringilla purus laoreet. Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et. Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend. Vestibulum ornare id eros id rutrum.

Nullam non laoreet erat, at rhoncus tellus. Aenean sodales, ipsum nec tincidunt rhoncus, tellus nibh dignissim ante, at facilisis nisl nibh bibendum massa. Vivamus eget turpis massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam convallis eros non cursus hendrerit.

Sekki Matotsu
 Twin Sister

In cursus nisi ac eros convallis, at fringilla purus laoreet. Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et. Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend. Vestibulum ornare id eros id rutrum.

Nullam non laoreet erat, at rhoncus tellus. Aenean sodales, ipsum nec tincidunt rhoncus, tellus nibh dignissim ante, at facilisis nisl nibh bibendum massa. Vivamus eget turpis massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam convallis eros non cursus hendrerit.