OMG i love them.... Stars would fit right into a storyline of mine!

Firstly their name is Mon Chantou (Given name being Chantou), and she's originally from Cambodia. They are a XX girl and go by they/she/stars and stars is 19 and have autism her special interests being stars + space, and pmmm

Background: Chantou as a child never really knew a place to be called stars "home" constantly as a child they went from town to town, state to state because of stars parents job. Because her parents always focused so much on their jobs they wanted stars for when she grew up to not have to deal with the stress of a job like that, putting heavy pressure and expectation on star to get good grades so in the end, they could get a good maybe even better job than her parents. Because of these expectations, Chantou constantly stayed home and in school constantly focused on work in order to make sure her parents in the end would be proud and happy. Stars never made any friends because of this and got ignored in school, only being known as the quiet smart kid. As she grew older and older it got harder to maintain these grades, and even the slightest criticism would send her into a panic. After all these horrible panic attacks eventually star grew sick of it, deciding from then to pretend not to understand anything. Gradually this got them to the point that their grades were horrible but stars despite how much they wanted stars to really focus on the school were away from work so much that they couldn't do much at this point. From then on stars kept the act up, never wanting to seem incompetent by people so instead of making them underestimate stars to avoid that pressure. They loved the feeling of everyone constantly being impressed when stars did well so they just continued on with the exhausting act, never truly acting like themselves because of it. 

Throughout the years' stars got moved from Cambodia to Canada, and to inevitably Detrual. 


Chantou constantly is really only by themselves, so to deal with the suffocating silence she hates she constantly has soft music playing in the background, and or stars favorite show or current space documentary stars is watching.

Chantou gained stars special interest in space from their seclusion, constantly being in their room with no need to study gave her time to watch outside, specifically the stars finding a fascination with how every night no matter what happened they'd be brightly shining up in the sky. It gave stars somewhat an amount of hope for the future, and with that fascination, they began watching space documentaries and thinking of becoming an astronomer.. although the dream is out of reach for now they can dream.

They put their hair up in red ribbons because of their favorite show pmmm!

(Sorry if its a little sloppy rn, tired but i adore them! might add more later)

Oh my gosh this is so cute >_< I'm going to pend them to you! Do you mind letting me know / tagging me when stars gets any new art or pieces of lore and stuff? I'd love to see it! :D

totally AAAH thank you 💖

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