Chubbeans (Semi-Open species)



2 years, 3 months ago


DISCLAIMER: Some of the images below were created around 2017 when I had different views and opinions on how I wanted the species to work, I now have a few items on said images that are pretty outdated now and I'll put this here to clear up any contradictory information in those.

1. Curly Tails: I find it kinda ridiculous now to have put curled tails behind a "Royal Bloodline Only" wall because realistically that's kinda dumb? Now, instead of that trait being locked, Chubbeans who are not a Royal are called Faux-Curls.

2. Trait Limitations: No more of this, I originally introduced a limit of three traits per Chubbean via Genetic Defects to keep designs from getting super cluttered but now I just think that's really silly. It was middle schooler biology logic I don't really stand by anymore, because I genuinely don't feel like limiting people on what they want to do. Go crazy, defy me! I know I'm going to defy myself.

3. The listed traits aren't something to limit your design to, infact, if you have an idea or smth cool you'd like to suggest to me I'd love to make it cannon! The rarity system is in place for the fun of the generator but can also be adjusted as time goes on.

4. I lost the first draft of this after trying to post it so I had to re-write everything from scratch. If anything is under-explained or confusing pls lmk! Thank you!

Now with that out of the way...




Chubbeans are small round mammalian creatures that can be found in plenty of places. Through studies, they have been found to be lovely and inherently affectionate house animals. It's not uncommon to find houses with Chubbeans as pets, or guard animals as they are also venomous! Despite the dangers of the animal's acids, they are actually wonderful for households with children and pets (Chubbean or otherwise.) Chubbeans are social animals who can get lonely easily, so it's encouraged households have more than one to keep the other company.

It's important to know before buying about what gives Chubbeans their iconic rotund shape: Their Venomous Sac! A Chubbean's sac covers the entirety of it's body, from under the jowls all the way to the base of the tail, and leave space for their legs to poke out at the bottom. These sacs contain and produce acids that are then used to spray out the mouth at predators. Since 2013, Chubbeans have been studied to determine how to judge the potency of their acid without lab testing, and it's been discovered that more center angled eyes (dubbed Aggressive, due to the angry look) are indicative of potent acids of various qualities (Corrosives and Hallucinogens.) Eyes that are outwardly angled (dubbed Passive, as the opposite of Aggressive) are typically indicative of Low Potency and are recommended as great pets for a first time owner, as they tend to be less rambunctious and easy to handle. Not to mention that if you are accidentally sprayed, there's a likely guarantee that the acids will most likely be no more harmful than citrus juices. That being said, if you purchase a Chubbean and are unable to determine the angle of it's eyes, it is highly recommended to not take a gamble on your life and purchase an acid potency test to send to your local veterinarian that specializes in Chubbean care!




Beyond the shapes of their eyes, Chubbeans come in various shapes and sizes! These genetic little weirdos have been seen to grow long manes, tusk like teeth, boney horns, and even more! Regardless of all these strange traits, there's always a few key features that make a Chubbean distinct from other animals. A Chubbean will always have pupil-less eyes, ears, a whip like tail, short and nubby legs, and (most importantly) their venom sac! The Sac in itself is extremely important to their physiology as they've evolved to depend on it's existence.


Chubbeans who have their Sac damaged in any way must immediately (or as soon as physically possible) be re-pressurized and compressed to keep their organs in place and prevent organ failure. The Venom Sac is extremely important to keeping the inner body of a Chubbean compressed and working, lest their physical structure degrade. Chubbeans born without their Sac will almost always come out stillborn, and those who are alive must immediately be compressed to save it's life. Sacless Chubbeans require constant compression vests and special care, but usually can live very happy and fulfilling lives (always venom less)

Beyond the plethora of lovely and colorful Chubbeans are those of the most renowned Pedigree, The Royal Bloodline. This bloodline can be traced back to a special Chubbean which was the first to be documented with a curled tail. This mutation carried down through carefully hand selected breeders and are one of the main defining attractions towards the popularity of faux-curled Chubbeans. Each Chubbean of the Royal Bloodline come with papers and a Pedigree, as to distinguish them from the Chubbeans who have Faux curled tails.




Thank you so much for reading all of that! Chubbeans are a semi-open species that can be used within any project or world you'd like! My only limitations are on the creation of Sacless and Royal Blooded Chubbeans, otherwise feel free to go crazy! I'd looove to see what you create so please don't be shy about showing me your works!

The Gene generator still works and will hopefully have an updated version at some point! Feel free to use it to create personal and adoptable Chubbeans!

 Have a great day!