WTA's Comments

Name: Eridanus

Gender: Male


Eri has always had a major fascination with cryptids and aliens, and all other manner of weird unknown. He inhales ghost hunting shows like his life depends on it, and spends a lot of his time running through the woods or sleeping in supposedly haunted places just desperate to catch weird things on film to prove they exist. Sure his family thinks he's a little bit screwy, but he motions that they just don't know what fun is.


Eri however, knows exactly what fun is. He can be a bit spacey and out there at times, sometimes extremely excitable speaking far too loud without realizing it, other time entranced with whatever he's doing to the point where you have to remind him to eat. He's a friendly little dude, even if he is a little weird, and most of his friends have learned to love his weird brand of charm.

He loves a good party, and his birthday bashes are a thing of legend. He loves to see his friends happy, and loves to drag them on fun cryptid hunting adventures. His sleep schedule is sometimes a little upside down, but he just loves the world at night so much, he hates missing a single moment of it.

Likes: Space, ghost hunting, scary movies, parties, neon colors, loud music, vaporwave, creepy crawlies.

Dislikes: Sleeping, hot weather, the sun, being alone, silence, skeptics.

Why do you want them?: I honestly stumbled across this baby poking through and fell IN LOVE. I immediately got ideas for the character and got eager to draw them, I love space and this color scheme so much, he's just such a cutie!