Bonez Puppies



2 years, 7 months ago


  • Name(s): Chew, Rosie, Cookie, Lucky
  • Gender: M, FM, FM, FM 
  • Breed / Species: Australian Shepherd mix
  • Child of: Bonez
  • Acquired From: Sara
  • Purchase Price: N/A
  • Owned Since: May 2014
  • Design Notes: N/A

  • Mate Of: N/A
  • Sibling Of: Chew, Rosie, Cookie, Lucky
  • Parent Of: N/A

  • RULES: unknown
  • "Chew is the oldest brother, and therefore, the leader of his siblings. He's headstrong and brave, but has his moments of hesitancy. Chew is protective of his siblings and does whatever it takes to protect them, despite his many actual fears of getting hurt."
  • "Rosie is a spunky, all - around princess. Her in - your - face and 'me first' attitude often causes disruptions, much to the disappointment of her siblings; they tolerate her, however, because she is incredibly smart and decisive. When food is of short supply, Rosie's cunning and quick eye is a great tool for catching dinner. She won't admit it, but she enjoys the hunt and making her siblings happy and full."
  • "Cookie is the baby of the litter; always the oddball out, even with her coat, Cookie has trouble keeping up with her siblings. She simply wants to eat, sleep, and daydream all day, but nope - not if Chew has anything to say about it! She has a bad habit of murmuring and grumbling under her breath when she doesn't get her way."
  • "Lucky, the biggest puppy, is the most adventurous and curious about her world. She's quick to investigate EVERYTHING and has wound up in a few unpleasant situations because she simply follows her nose, no questions asked. Everything to her is instinct; what she does think about is food, and plenty of it! However, she is Chew's much larger shadow, as she knows he's easy to guilt - trip when it comes to food. Nonetheless, she obeys all his orders, in return."