


6 years, 7 months ago
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Fraya is a African Wild dog, that changes coats through out the seasons but when a new coat forms, here MPD kicks in (multiple personaily disorder) each coat is a different personality.

natural coat -  she is a fusion off all personalities (which makes it seem like bipolar because all the personalities try to take over)

spring - motherly, caring, peaceful, gracful, down to earth and humble

summer - full of energy, loves water, party animal, seems like they r always on a sugar high

winter - sad, depressed, suicidal, anxiety and has little energy

Autumn - full of rage, snappy, stubborn, thinks they are better then everyone, rude and risk taker

(she) spring normally wonders the earth alot helping flowers grow and feeding animals, she can somehow speak to every animal and understands each of there tongues (languages), she loves humming and singing randomly to animals and birds. 

(no gender) summer is way to enthuiastic and is kinda in alot of peoples faces, they blabber alot and are attention seekers, summer doesnt have a gender. Summer loves to tan but can be dehydrated super quicky so every few hours they need to drink water or swim in water or they can die.

(he) winter contemplates life alot, they are tired all the time and live off coffee, they find it a struggle to get up and even move or participate in life they end up sometimes suffering anorexia disorders and need glasses sometimes because they cant focous much because of how tired they are.

(He) Autumn believes most people want to fight him so he tends to start alot of arguements, he has anger issues and alot of things trigger him, he hurts other animals sometimes for his own enjoyment.