


2 years, 3 months ago



Name Iara
Age 100 years old, immortal
Gender Female
Resides TBD
Breed Unknown, Fox like
Color Shimmery Blue
Eyes Orange
Personality gentle and compassionate
Purchase Price 200k
Purchased From Arty #25282 on EV



Iara is a captivating and enchanting being, a harmonious blend of fox-like features, delicate butterfly wings, and elegant antlers. With her unique appearance, she is a true marvel of nature, captivating the hearts and imaginations of those fortunate enough to encounter her.

Born in the mystical depths of an ancient forest, Iara embodies grace and beauty in every aspect of her being. Her fur is a mesmerizing shade of shimmery blue, reminiscent of the moonlight reflecting on a calm lake. The ethereal glow of her coat illuminates the forest around her, casting a magical aura wherever she roams.

Iara's most distinctive features are her delicate butterfly wings, adorned with intricate patterns of iridescent blues. As she gracefully glides through the air, her wings shimmer with a captivating brilliance, reminiscent of sapphire gemstones. Each wingbeat creates a symphony of whispers, carrying messages of harmony and tranquility to all who witness her flight.

Adding to her mystique, Iara possesses majestic antlers that crown her head. They symbolize her connection to the natural world, a testament to her strength, wisdom, and spiritual presence. They serve as a reminder of the delicate balance she strives to maintain between the realms of earth and air.

Beyond her captivating appearance, Iara possesses a gentle and compassionate spirit. She is known for her empathetic nature, often lending her ears to those in need and providing solace and comfort. Her melodic voice carries a soothing resonance, capable of mending wounded souls and bringing peace to troubled hearts.

Iara's existence is entwined with the harmony of her forest home. She serves as a guardian, protecting the delicate ecosystems and the creatures that dwell within. Her presence alone inspires reverence and respect, reminding all who encounter her of the interconnectedness of all living beings and the profound beauty of the natural world.

Guided by her gentle wisdom and her innate desire to foster harmony, Iara weaves her way through the forest, her butterfly wings shimmering with a brilliant blue hue, and her antlers crowned with grace. She is a symbol of the enchantment that lies within nature and a reminder to cherish and protect the delicate wonders that surround us.