Ember Byrns



2 years, 3 months ago


Name: Ember Byrns
Gender: Female
Height: 6ft/ 183cm
Race: Vampire


  Charming: How else is she going to make the world revolve around her? She's more than just a pretty face. She's a pretty face, banging body, and killer wit. But to get people to worship your greatness you have to at least make them like you..just a little. So she throws out a few compliments from time to time to make others smile..for her own benefit.

Conceited: So you think she's full of herself? Correct you are! She can care about people, and if they can get her to cackle, she surely will keep them in her pocket. But best believe, she's sure they care about her more. Cause duh, She's awesome. Just ask her!

Loud: Ember can, and will most likely get loud and excited when there is something she likes going on. Oh? Is that inappropriate for the situation. Well, that really sucks for you because she doesn’t care.

Disobedient: How about No. She's not going to do what you say just because you said it and if you want to fight about it, bring it on! Just..not the face.

Bratty: Here's the thing. She likes stuff and things, and yes, it may be true that she makes a decent amount of money. But she would prefer for someone else to spend their funds on her. Buy her love! Cause if you don't, let's hope you can dodge the barrage of things she'll most likely throw at you in the most epic adult temper tantrum that has ever been tantrumed.

Tactile: Aww..Do you have a personal bubble? Pop! Make way, Ember is in it. All day, everyday. Honestly, she may not even understand the concept of personal space. You can't own the air around yourself. So..just let her touch you and your things. She just wants to and she's going to. What? Did you think you were going to swat her away like the pest that she is? Alright! Just be ready for her to hover her finger really, really close to your face. But you didn't want her to touch you..so she won't.