Free chibi art! ( closed )



2 years, 3 months ago
Trade Listing


Hi! I’m going to be doing some chibi gift art as you can tell by the title ^^

All you have to do is fav this, and then link a folder in the comments, ( you can request a character too but I like having options and I might do more then one so it’s best to link a folder ) 

These will most likely be headshots similar to like twitch emotes in the chibi style from the icon but if I really like your character I might do a bigger piece :o 

I can do any species I haven’t done dragons before but I’d be willing to try! I can do fanart too but only thing I can’t do is ( sexual, gore is fine )nsfw characters and characters with nsfw of them ( makes me uncomfortable when I go to their page ) 

and last these are for comm examples so for a guarantee I’ll draw your character you can ask to be pinged once I open them up, they would cost around $1 so it’s cheap^^ 

and I’ll be doing these during a vacation for the car and plane ride so if these take a while I’m sorry! I also will only be doing characters I really like, so if I don’t do yours sorry! You can always comm me once they open 

ANOTHER ALSO consider watching my da account? I’m so close to 100 and it would mean a lot! I am drawing your characters for free so- 

( image is chibi art example )