Eryn Ahlorsath



6 years, 7 months ago


Triton Paladin 

Name: Eryn Ahlorasath

Age: 28

Gender: female

Height: 5'1ft. - 1,55m

Weight: 160 lbs - 73 Kg

Eyecolor: Black sclera with gold-ish pupils

Hair: petrol

Skin: soft lavender with visible darker scales on the nose and arms here and there. As well as gills in a softer violet.

Size: medium

Vision: 60

Languages: common, primordial

Voice: She likes to talk in a lower voice. No one should know that she has a sweet voice

Theme: She's more or less a Shark - Haifisch

Alignment: LG

Triton feat: You learned an antiquated version of Common and drop "thee" and "thou" into your speech.

Appearance on the Surface:  Scale armor with a thick neck. Bracers with space for her floating skins. As well as leather pants with iron padding. Long boots with strong iron like material to secure her shin and slits for the leg-fins. The hair is always firmly braided.

Appearance underwater:  Limelike outgrowths on her shoulders server as armor. Thick scales growing over her actual skin. Long fins on her arms give her the ability to move fast underwater as well as a long tail. Her hands grow into clawlike almost animalistic hands. The hair is open and flows around like a wildfire.

Personality: Laughs in bad moments, has no real sense of humor. Has that faible to shower herself in the blood of killed enemies. It’s like eating the heart of someone to get that persons courage. Tries to play it cool, but deep down she’s a big softy. Looking after Mazamundi like a younger brother. She likes fingerfood, literally

She has a gift of the sea, something she doesn't talk about. Only Nidra knows about it. In a certain time they met up, for a competition of the most unpleased person. I won't even tell how that ended.


Quartermaster: I'm full of inspiring and cautionary tales from my military experience relevant to almost every combat situation.

Bond: Someone saved my life on the battlefield. To this day, I will never leave a friend behind.

Flaws: I made a terrible mistake in battle that cost many lives and I would do anything to keep that mistake secret.

Racial Traits:

Amphibious: You can breathe air and water. 

Control Air and Water: As a child of the sea, you can call on the magic of elemental air and water. You can cast fog cloud with this trait. Starting at 3rd level, you can cast gust of wind with it, and starting at 5th level, you can also cast wall of water with it (see the spell in the sidebar). Once you cast a spell with this trait, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. 

Emissary of the Sea: Aquatic beasts have an extraordinary affinity with your people. You can communicate simple ideas with beasts that can breathe water. They can understand the meaning of your words, though you have no special ability to understand them in return. 

Guardians of the Depths: Adapted to even the most extreme ocean depths, you have resistance to cold damage, and you ignore any of the drawbacks caused by a deep, underwater environment.

Somewhat of a Backstory:

She grew up as a daughter of a proud marksman, her mother was a tailer who's always had problem with her hair when walkign around at the surface. Moryn was about 17 when she crafted a weird mousse for her hair, to let it shine and look natural like seaweed. She gave her mother the recipe and the word got spreaded through all of the seven seas. The fame around that made her angry and she fleed to the surface where she started out as a sellsword. She could never get the job done, she got no proper training so Moryn searched out for the paladins of her deity and learned to fight for the good. The folk of Triton is a proud one, so it's right that she serves for the good. 

Backstory with a 40k-twist:

She grew up as a daughter of a proud marksman, on a planet too far away from the emperors light. Her mother left for unknown reasons. Eryn did what she could to get out of the water, leaving her life behind and start exploring the world above the endless seas. With nothing but her beloved Trident and a journal she went to the surface. Under the Sea she did what almost every other Triton does, Paladin. After leaving her home she heard a voice calling her to achieve much more power and strength that she already had. Persana, she wasn’t sure at first that the great Justice of the Depths was speaking to her but it was a daemon. At first she thought she went mad being that long on the Surface. She ignored the calling. Till one faithful day, she discovered a creature covered in blood with a blank face. It seems like it just walked out of it’s slimepuddle. Weird trails were all over the place. She wasn’t quite sure, but she quickly developed a sisterly like instinct, she took the Lizard with her. The only thing he knows is his name and a unexplainable hate for something unknown in general. And again, Persana spoke to her, finally Eryn accepted whatever the Daemon had in mind for her. She realized quickly, it was an energy she didn’t understand at the start, but Mazamundi seemed to and teched her the way of being a Warlock, bonding with her "Patron" Persana as Hexblade, giving her a better understanding for the chaotic powers of the warp.
After a few years of travelling they both met a group of radical inquisition agents who were about to enter a forbidden place, the Tomb of Horrors.
Having their life endangered they had no other choice than to join the group.
It seemed fine till the Fishlady ran into a hole, disappearing out of sight for everyone.She found herself at the Entrance of the Tomb. With nothing except her body that the "gods" had created. After a short time of retracing the way the group went, Maza aided her in making some clothing to wear to. After some more clearing and killing they finally met the owner of the so called Tomb of Horrors. A powerful Lich who was weakened over the centuries, after they slayed the monstrous creatures Mazamundi got his hands on a ring with powerful magic. It was clear that this piece of metal was cursed into the abyss and back.His body slowly started to rot and fall apart. With great power came great sacrifice.