Jym Henston



2 years, 3 months ago


Name: Jym Henston

Location: ???? Try to find me!

Species: Animatronic, part puppet bird

Lore: He was one of Jim Henson's last projects before Jim Henson passed away. Delivered to this paradise on mysterious account. No address or name on the letter that came with him.

About: Nobody knows quite what his deal is. He seems very fond of taking off his head as if some sort of funny magic trick. Very annoyingly funny and chaotic. He was assigned various spots to work but claims to forget, and seems to purposely do so to avoid tasks set before him. He just likes being wild and free, you guess. The truth is, he admired his creator who died and was never given a name. So he made his name match that of who he most admired. The spelling wasn't quite on par, and something definitely is missing in his coding for sure. He's not "all there". A few lose screws, mind you. Wait, where did he go? His AI is very unpredictable. It is unknown if this scrapped project is docile or hostile. Approach with caution.

(My perfected image is not yet made, but he will look like one of the fire gang puppets from Labyrinth because that's the inspiration. Jim Henson is a wonderful artist and I appreciate his work so this is a fanwork of tribute, appreciation and respect for the man's art combined with interest in a game.)