

Basic info

Age 26
Gender Male
S.O. Bisexual
DoB April 1
Sign Aries
Height 165cm

Feelings towards CMYK













Current relationship


Desired relationship




Couple of loving and creative artists. Red is a painter, interested in modern and abstract art, while Cyans interests are very broad: starting from being a graphic designer, makeup artist, youtuber and photographer. They share lots of mutual interests and love to engage in favourite activities together. They often joke that their bond is unbreakable, to which their friends agree without a doubt, they are definitely the most loving couple everyone knows.

Męskie Granie Orkiestra 2021 - I Ciebie też, bardzo

I can't imagine my life without Cyan. We went together through darkest times of our lives and came out stronger than we were. I would do anything for him and I can't wait for the day we marry. I want to share every moment of my life with Cyan, with him I feel the safest I ever was. My mentality is "No matter where we are, what matters is that he is next to me." I am not afraid of our future cause I know that whatever happens, we are going to deal with it together.

We faced many obstacles throughout our relationship, but those only made it stronger; there is no issue or problem we cannot solve and we always support each other. We formed a very strong bond on trust and love and I always remind him that no matter what, we will go through good and bad together. We are always doing our best to communicate when something is wrong. Our day cannot start without a good morning kiss and every time one of us comes back home, we greet each other with warm hugs.

Relationship dynamic



The Heart

The Brain

Affection through words

through actions


Chill going

Does stupid things

Calms other one

Goes into fights

Uses diplomacy


Not tactile


Love at first sight

Dislikes PDA

Loves PDA

Makes food

Can't cook

Big Spoon

Little Spoon

Borrows clothes

Lends clothes

Was in relationship(s)

Has no experience

Relationship story

First meeting

RGB and CMYK met at university. When Cyan came to study his first year of art and design he got assigned to be in dormitory room with Red. Thy quickly became close friends and they felt like they know each other well after only a month. One day Red was painting on his bed like usual, he was so invested in his art he didn't realize he spilled all his paint water onto his matress. Cyan offered his help, so they cleaned the matress and left it to dry, unfortunately it didn't dry out till evening. This lead to Red sleeping with Cyan on his bed. The tension between them ended in a kiss, and since then they decided to be together.


I still can't believe this is how it all started. My clumsiness finally resulted in something good.


I don't even know why I kissed you that night, I just... Did it! You were so close my brain stopped working!

Moving in

A few months into their relationship, after a series of unfortunate events, starting at Cyan being kicked out by his homophobic parents for being gay and staying the whole summer at Red's house, getting so depressed he needed professional help and finally a long search for a perfect flat with a reasonable landlord, they finally moved in to a little flat with two rooms. It was a huge step for them into getting more independent and more at peace, as Cyan felt that he's overextending Red's parents' kindness too much.

They both felt anxious for taking such a big step so early but it was one they knew they have to take. They made sure that the interior of their new home is cozy, colorful and expressed them as best as possible. Luckily, they adapted quickly and enjoyed living together, forming new habits next to each other and having somebody to come back home to. Their relationship got even closer then.

Shortly after Cyan found a little stray kitty in an alley and took it home. After a long debate they decided to keep the kitty and name her Indygo. She's now a part of their family.


I'm so glad we took this step and moved in together! At first I didn't think about the responsibilities, I only cared about your mental health, but I don't regret anything even though this decision was very rushed. Also I love our flat, you can see it belongs to us!


Gosh I was so anxious when we were searching for a flat, everything was either too expensive, broken or with a crappy landlord! I don't regret moving in so quickly with you, it was one of the best decisions we took. I love our cozy flat and I love waking up next to you every morning.

Camper life

After many years of happy relationship, Red and Cyan felt comfortable enough with each other to try living in a camper for some time. They bought an old camper, and used this opportunity to rebuild their relationship with Cyans parents. Cyan and his father got to work and restored the camper perfectly, they could fullfill their dreams and drive around Europe. They of course brought their cat Indygo with them who is not afraid of travelling.

During their trip, Red and Cyan visited multiple countries all around Europe such as Greece, Croatia, Austria, France, Italy, Spain and many more. They decided to live spontanously and slowly, they went sightseeing when they felt like it, they slept where they wanted and travel when they decided to. When they were running short on money they either got them from Cyans paid sponsorships or they were selling art around the city.

Final event of their trip was engagement, Cyan was trying to do it for days but was too anxious. In the end he proposed in Italy, Red knew that is going to happen during this trip but he was deeply touched nonethless.


This trip was our best idea ever! I had so much fun, we ate so many local foods, met many people on the way and of course, we got even closer together. We have to do it again!


I was so nervous to propose it took me days to finally do it, but I don't regret anything. Seeing your happy face made me burst out with love... A love I can share with you forever, my dear.


  • They own two cats called Indygo and Ivory.
  • Friends call them the perfect couple.
  • They live in a small flat in the city center of Budapest.
  • They both have education in Art but in different fields.

Basic info

Age 24
Gender Male
S.O. Homosexual
DoB October 21
Sign Libra
Height 186cm

Feelings towards RGB













Current relationship


Desired relationship
