Afterthought (Leviathan)



2 years, 3 months ago



-About Him-

Goes by Afterthought or Lost. Presents himself as just a cool guy, but he’s  actually a cursed malevolent water god, often trapping people in his dimensions and consuming them. He’s been doing so less and less as the thought of immortality has settled on him but when he was first cursed, he wrought havoc on many.

He has an entire pocket dimension to himself, upon entry it looks like an 80s mall of sorts. Many of the shops appear empty/closed. He’s fully capable of controlling this dimension and will usually randomly generate a new mall each time he enters. When stressed, the mall will often twist and warp into a backrooms-esque space. He likes generating indoor pools, large fountain features, ect. Usually adorned with plants and neon. 80s music can be faintly heard over the speakers.

He often presents himself in his anthro form, and usually only with one set of arms. He usually wears leather jackets or letterman’s, with a snapback. Has a few piercings. He’s very protective over his clothing and accessories but will let people close to him use them.

-Design notes-

Has sparse leaves on his back. They are connected to him and he can feel them, especially if touched, torn, or pulled off. Will bleed if damaged.

Tail water evaporates once it reaches a certain distance, however it will not evaporate if collected in a cup. Do not advise drinking.

Has two lip and ear piercings, along with a septum and eyebrow piercing. All optional.