Nathaniel E.A. Tancred



2 years, 3 months ago


Bought from eliskimm Via Twitter for $50 (plus 30 for Artwork) on 25.02.2022

Height: 5´7 (170.18 cm)

Nathaniel (Nate/Nathan)
Eugene (Gene)-
Alasdair (defender of Mankind)
Tancred-Norman roots It means “thought” and the name is pretty intense.

giving it a fun lil N.e.a.t as Nat is a real proper clean guy.

-energetic and athletic dancing style and good looks
-friend "cherry" (Charlene) from the Bar who later meet´s up with him


  • Darkvision. Thanks to infernal heritage, have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. Can see in dim light within 60 feet of him as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Hellish Resistance. resistance to fire damage.
  • Languages. speak, read, and write Common, English, French and Infernal.
  • Healing: Strong power of healing
  • Illusion and Mindset: Creating a feelable illusion in a spheric bubble of type and able to set a mind the way he wants if focused well enough. Command within


Inspiration on Nate:
-Dance till dawn | Dream SMP Animatic - YouTube


Beeing a Tiefling wasn´t always easy. Nate´s parents weren´t the best and the times in his old home were hard. His older brother didn´t make it easier either. It was a point where the young Tiefling found comfort in dancing, music and observing the sewing techniques of their Arachnian neighbour. Tragedy part as he was suddenly taken and "sold off" after an orc attack at the village he was in. With his Tiefling family beeing the only ones under humans, they were accused of working with the orcs. Nate lost his home and his parents (beeing betrayed by them as they offered him as payment for the village rebuild).

Beeing at the home of a Seemstress and her husband who runs an Establishment, Nate was sent to do the dirty work from cleaning, helping in the kitchen and beeing the "trash" for most. It was until he watched one of the dancers practice their routine, that he followed the steps. She taught him exactley how to place foot and follow the heart and rythmn. Which he did and not only got a fabulous dance and coordination, but was also seen by a few guests who were interested in this new "tiefling dancer"
Hired then as one of the dancers, Nate got now more attention (cash) and a small fanbase.

While enjoying the moments, using a lil fire when dancing and playing along with the band, barkeep and staff, finding out what he likes.
When not working, he helps the wife of the Owner with her sewing (making fabulous designs and clothings for any species)
He has a real good talent and as a (at the time 19 year old) a real good state. It still urked him that he "belonged" to the owner through the past and wanted to talk to him one day about it, since he earned enough money that he wanted to leave.

At a point as he went to the guy in the office area but as he enterd, loud shouting and a sudden "Splat" as he witnessed the guy doing a crime. A magical guy has been "taken care off" and a part of his powers have been splatted on Nate. (gifting him the powers that he overtime can use)
Witnessing this, the guy gives a stern eye, knowing Nate has seen something he shoulnd´t. But instead of Nate beeing the one to warn him, he got warned and got tricked.
Making the Tiefling have to stay or he would be accused of slaughtering the magic one. (as proof the hair)

At a point learning that he has powers, from healing to mind  manipulation, illusion, ...Using it to let others see what they want to  from dance, magic and more. (Nate used this on times where he wasn´t in a  good mood or in pain from dancing, that he let his illusion dance for  him while he was hidden.
Finding out that.. however the owner was magic immune. Making the time with him hard.


The "Trust and love" part
There was another time a customer came daily to see Nate. Becoming a regular customer and more on the "intimite"  side in a way. As the owner found out, having heard the guy wanted to get him out and keep for himself, recording it and placing it for Nate to hear while the man was there. Beeing betrayed and decieved by the "love" he had, not trusting any Elves as he denied the Elf the situation who truly revealed he wanted to keep him for his own and use his powers (in a way the owner of the Establishment does) as he had lied to get what he wanted and used Nate.

There was also a female who had shown interest but turned out to be a crazy Tiefling hunter. And the private dance room quickly became a battlefield of Nate defending himself from a client and the owner making clear that he was not to be messed with (He got his back scars from her as she stabbed his back)

The owner keeping him there, lying to him that the ones who show  interest in him, only do it for specific reasons and that he is not  worth it. Manipulating him.

But then there was another customer again at a later point who came to visit and at start showed interest in a few things and beeing immune to magic himself, seeing the real side of Nate in a way. The two talking (Nates fear and distrust still showed as he was hurt, but the customer came daily) Nate questioned himself if the customer was trying another tactic, wondering why he didnt make any moves.
The two eventually had a mutal friendship forming over time and Nate was happy since long to be able to talk to someone besides his coworkers. The owner quickly catched on to this relationship that had formed and more than once told the client to leave Nate alone. From Bribing to a point of threatening.
As the client said they wanted to travel on, wanting nate to join and go with him, Nate made clear that he would loved to, but is more or less in a "tight" contract-. He said he would speak with the owner.
There was a huge tragedy and horror to this scenerio and one where Nate still has nightmares of.

Truth was that the owner lured them into a trap as the client was in the office, offering money and all sorts of things to free Nate from his hold. Nate outside the door heard this and truly felt touched as he heard how the client didnt want him as a prisoner or anything to trade but  to simply give a new life and meaning.
The owner not letting it go, standing up and as Nate entered, wanting to speak for himself, the owner brutally took care of him right infront of Nate (meaning he watched as his love got killed before him while beeing held) Not able to use his powers fully, since magic was immune and he couldn´t heal the one before him, letting his  world crumble.
"This is what happens if you try to flee"  in a way making it even more tragic, having a heartbroken Nate. Beeing manipulated fully and his emotional state used. 

A reason Nate has a slight fear of relationships and such. Does more one night stands than coupling thing if it ever comes to it-
He swings many ways and doesn´t mind what gender or species or even race. As long as he doesn´t get killed or captured.
When it comes to romancing, he has a sense of "this one just wants to use for whatever reasons". Usually due power, persuasion, knowledge or body) which his former "owner" had said that noone would ever love him for who or what he is.
He can playfully flirt for situations or to get to a goal nowaday, but never had serious things ever since his "ex"

Letting him be there for a lil while longer. (2 years)

At age 22 (a year later) things got more intense and Nate had enough, defending himself as he got pretty harmed and scarred (face and body) fighting for his freedom in a way. It was a gloomy, rainy night and escaping from there, landing in a driving cart of an Orc farmer and waking up later in the house as his wounds got cared for.
Making it a new life to proceed. Cut his hair and changed his clothes, as he proceeded to never let others get him down again.
He kept well hidden from the former guy and away from the establishment.
The Orc took him in for a small time at the old farm (long away from the village) and as he had a goal of what he wanted to do, having a talk with his "parent" like father of an Orc, it got more into an emotional state.
Stayed with him for 7 months (over winter and Spring)
Thinking he was finally happy, it turned out worse.

The plans of him opening a store nearby to make his clothings, supporting his new family and enjoying his life broke. Guards and the former owner had appeared and things went down quickly. Leashing his fire to protect and fending off the guards and refusing to return. A point where the former owner struck the Orc.
Losing his grip, Orc as he tried to heal him and infront of the guards and hunter, using his powers to force the past owner to spill the truth of what really happened. As the truth came out, the guards arresting him and leaving Nate on the ground "free" of the guy but not happy. Leaning over his half dead Orc fatherlike, grasping as he felt the bloody hand upon his. Hearing what he had to say, nodding as the eyes shut.
Promising him and himself to get better at his newfound magic powers, honor his own powers and his race and to fulfill his dream. And not lose himself.
Had his experiences of beeing betrayed through his travels (and since many "hate" Tieflings from where he is)

Setting a new line.


The new adventure for this Tiefling as he made his way to the next City/Place to find adventurers or a guide to look through the worlds. His goal of wanting to open his own Store for clothings as well as his enchanting them. (Making it that lovely clothing can be used for armor as well or protection depending on use) as well as making them fitting for any sizes, shapes or transformations. (making him one of a kind maker)
Nate is still learning on the materials there are, practicing his powers and making sure noone see´s him as a bad guy.

Lil Trivia: 
-Very sassy, truthful and resistant
-speaks very well and has a high intelligenz on topics.
-Loves music (enjoys listening to it even if he woulnd´t admit it), loves to dance and support
-doesn´t trust fully at start as he has been betrayed more than once (since Tiefling)
-Is skillful in identifying good materials (knows fashion designs and trends and set them as well) Well skilled and crafted in making clothings and enchanting them strongly
-You can´t trick or decieve him as his eyes are keen on any materials or tastes.
-Calls those he likes, cares of or tolerates "Darling" , "Sweetheart" or "honey" (uses specific ways depending on with whome he speaks to)
-Looks like a grumpy boi most of the time, but only because he hates to waste time. Has his reasons on situations
-likes to read as his knowledge is pretty high.
-can walk in high heels better than anyone might think.
_can seduce if he wants to to get his goal. Strong convincing even without magic using.
-white part on his once long hair is from the magic now within him (when using the magic it glows up a bit)
-Nate doesn´t fight. He avoids them as good as possible.
-Enjoys tea and can hold his drink to a certain degree (Thanks to Cherry he also learned to make good drinks and knows the worth of specific alcohol)
-Has a small cabinet of holding with Teasorts he loves to collect and drink.
-When drinking alcohol, he would chug alot if he wants to forget something emotionally. When drunk, is a completely different person (very cuddly and lovingly, showing a soft side of him and .. very nsfw after his overlimit per drink)
-Is a very strong healer when it comes to things. Fast paced and good in making sure the group is safe.
-shows his affection in a certain way (when liking someone alot, without saying he would help with making clothings or gift them stuff he knows they like)
-can cook but not as good as "standard" cooks, learns later on more.
-intelligent backtalk or sass he can outtalk and bring any heated conversation down (he hates argument and settles it)
-secretley loves cuddles and hugs (even if he doesn´t show it)
-Soft weakness behind his ear and tail (he could purr if stroked) it tugged on or stepped on, get´s hella angry
-tends to hide or cover his arms due to the scars and wounds of the past. It shames him in a way as he takes great care of his nails
-His lil hairtop forms a heart that he has since childhood. Remains there no matter the form.
-Riding companion Horse hybrid named "Orum" he got from his adoptiv Orc dad.


-The man who got "splat" and whó´s powers he has now (wants to find out who it was, where he came from and see to the line) Eventuell training
-A place to make his own to open his store and live above it.
-His favourite author of the book he has since teen
-Visiting his favourite designer Maudreen G. Haggenmots
-learning about any fabric, material or such to keep and have

Is beeing seeked/Hunted by:
-Gloria Biggens (For the assuming murder of her father- the magic guy)- The juwel around his neck was part of a gift the Halforc had shared with her father
-Aldridge Hodigral (one of the seekers of the cheops, the juwel around his neck is part of that)
-Harriet Fillock (wife of former owner of the establishment) seeking "revenge" as she is a baddie and rival of clothing and design (since she had him a while)
-Edgar Brim Fillock (the owner of the establishment who is immune to magic and seeks his "possessions" back)


-falling in love as he would lose them eventually as well as making deep bonds (he fears to be betrayed again or worse)
-water- Sea/ocean etc (he can´t swim, due to childhood as his older brother tried to drown him) he does shower and bathe though
-A bag of dimensional holding (where he can enter a small lil workshop of his)- obtains this later in adventure as he made this himself
-Bag of Holding (for his materials, tools etc)- obtained in a marketplace for 250 gold
-small potions on his belt. (to heal up n give him a boost)
-necklace around his neck he has from his Orc friend (who treated him like a son) and is important to him. The stone is from a deep cave mountain the Orc had found.
-carries few books with him, one of them a fave of his favourite author that lives in the land and wants to see one day.
-His parents are still alive and are not the friendliest. Since they have become more.. evil
-Cherry (from the old establishment) who runs the bar (taught drinks and talked alot with nate)

Around others he tends to observe and give his "sauce" or "Spill of tea" if it calls for it. Has a proud walk (one could mistake him for a royal as the way he carries himself) and he let´s those know around him not to annoy him.
While he may seem cold and ignorant to others, Nate does care for others, shares what he has to the poor and supports where he can (when he knows it is truthful)
