
She started as a gender bent one off gag but I liked that character design too much so I gave her a bit more character development than just a "self centered character falls in love with someone who looks like them because they love themselves" trope .

You know how at the end of nightmare before Christmas,Doctor Finklestein makes himself a ...wife(???) That looks just like him? Get it, the joke is that he made her like that because 'who knows me better than myself' and all that. 

Basically Rosetta is exactly like knack the weasel except maybe just a bit better at breaking in to places. Getting out is a whole different story however. She often got caught and needed her partner in crime to bail her out of trouble.

Their relationship starts off as two birds of a feather becoming romantic crime buddies but after the 3d time knacks bike gets trashed in the process of saving her their relationship becomes a bit strained. 

They break up pretty quietly , she moved on from him and started dating the cop who threw him in super ultra space jail and he sets a bomb to go off in the sewers below her house. 

After all this oc shipping shenanigans I figured it was about time for this character to pass the bechdel test so she does some solo missions to investigate a sudden fight in an ant colony and winds up making friends with a rag tag team of wayward vagabonds and then breaks into a massive building and steals from G.U.N just to make Rouge mad because she let her fall into a pit of robot snakes ( also because G.U.N was up to some shifty stuff that she didn't approve of ethically but she would never say it out loud).

every now and again she still thinks of knack, thinks that he still has her nice tool kit and she's never getting it back !