


2 years, 3 months ago


• find a nice bio
• rewrite the thing below
My idea for Nol would be kinda mixed into the Skyrim gameplay that I have rn. I would most likely keep the name Nol since it sounds quite cool, although I might modify it a bit.

Nol was a dragon that was sleeping for years in a little forest between high mountains and the huge sea - in a place that no one sane would venture. Even animals were scarce there, which the dragon learned quite fast after waking up from their slumber. Hungry and with foggy memory, they sought food that was nowhere. They could easily fly and find food elsewhere, but apparently, during their long sleep, their body got quite weak, with wings hurting them immensely. Unable to travel through the sky, surrounded by either sea or high mountains, they were stuck there - until one day an Argonianin appeared. Their red and green scales combined with mismatched armor made them easy to see, but they didn't even try to hide. They were walking through this abandoned land as if they were in the calm city. Hungry, Nol didn't wait - they attacked and hoped their prey will prove to be easy to capture and devour, but how mistaken they were! The Argonianin knew many tricks and spells, they were also quite fast and dodged most attacks that Nol executed. Deep down the dragon blamed their hunger to make them so weak, but in truth the Argonian was simply better than them. After a good hour, the dragon gave up, with a loud thumb landing on the ground. "So that's my end? So unworthy of a dragon..." But the Argonianin didn't strike the last blow. They last next to the dragon, lying their back on Nol's huge head. They were just as tired, but they could finish them off, yet they didn't and -- the Argonianin even smiled?! Unable to move, Nol let the small creature sit next to them, both breathing in the cold air and trying to regain their energy. At some point, the Argonianin took out some food - or rather a whole room of food. They took different meats, fruits and vegetables from a bag that looked quite small for such a huge amount of things. It must have been magical, Nol though, but the thoughts of bag fastly perished once the smell of food reached them. The Argonianin started a fire after taking all they needed and were heating up the meat. Hunger, the pain in the stomach, hit the huge dragon once more. Unwillingly, Nol whined, which the small two-legged creature noticed. They smiled, after which they took some of the Mammoth's meat and brought it up to the dragon's mouth. They said something, which Nol couldn't exactly understand, but having tasty food some near -- they could not resist and eat it whole. The juicy meat gave them some energy, although it wasn't much. They shared more food with Nol, and after some time the dragon was able to get up. Nol wasn't sure what to do though. This little creature that had to be dragon's food, yet now shared theirs and in way, helped them out. Nol decided to leave the Argonianin alive for now, to see what more it can do.

After a night, Argonianin started packing and they were walking back from where they came. At some point, they stopped, and looked at Nol, with small expectant eyes. Argonianin's tail showed some anxious feelings and unsureness. They said something, but to Nol's surprise, it was in the dragon's language! "Come with me!' Such unexpected command, which Nol felt like they can't refuse. They still couldn't fly, but if this little fella could speak in their words, and shared their food - it seemed like a wise idea to follow them, at least for now. And so, Nol ventured with the two-legged lizard on what had to be just a short walk to get out of there, but ended up being an amazing adventure for them both.