Slate Palette



2 years, 3 months ago


Slate Palette

Basic Info
Name Slate Palette
Age 29 yrs
Gender Non-Binary
Pronouns They / Them
Height 5'09" (176.04cm)
Species Harpy, Demon
Orientation Ace, Greyro, Polyam
Job Host Café Owner & Host
Voice Claim[TBD]

Fur Swatches
Neutral, Public #37322F
Empty, Numb #B0A39B
Relaxed #FF748A
Flustered, Embarassed #EB3EAE
Angry #D32C2C
In Pain, Worried #922E37
Alert, Cautious #DC8916
Energetic/Excited, Delighted #FFDE66
Intense Joy #A9CC4A
Happy (Warm/Fuzzy) #38AD45
Lonely #7584DF
Mournful #090868
Fear, Anxiety #8E1EBD
Affectionate #D088EB

Bullshit Tolerance

This character/profile contains sensitive subject matter. Reader discretion is advised.
(Click to toggle warnings)

  • Child Abuse (in History, Childhood)
  • Bullying from Siblings (in History, Childhood)
  • Sex (in Trivia)

"I'm not very good at writing Summaries for characters. Maybe I'll add one eventually, but for now there's nothing." - Caelan

  • Starbucks
  • Cooking
  • Socializing
  • Good Gossip
  • Burgundy A. Drawn
  • Bigots ( "Cowards" )
  • Loud, Sudden Noises
  • Violence in their Café
  • Born to a Harpy Mother (Merlot Eleanor Hatcher) and a Pure-Demon Parent (Burgundy Ambrosius Drawn) as the result of an affair.
    • Merlot was not aware of the fact that their relationship was an affair.
  • Due to being born Part-Demon, Burgundy convinced Merlot that it would be better for them to take and raise them.
  • Was brought back to Burgundy's existing family - their Husband (Haze Ivor Drawn), two sons, and a newborn daughter - under the lie that they were an abandoned part-demon.
    • Was raised alongside their half-sister as if they were twins.
    • Bullied by their older half-brothers for being abandoned and adopted.
    • Faced unfair treatment from Burgundy, receiving harsher punishment than their half-siblings.
  • Would be brought by Burgundy to see Merlot whenever they visited her during their affair.
    • Started talking about 'going to see Mother' as they grew older, which brought upon Haze's suspicion.
  • Upon Haze finding out about the Affair between Burgundy and Merlot, where he forbade either of them from continuing to see her, started receiving worse treatment.
    • Burgundy, blaming Slate for Haze finding out, worsened their punishments to a point of physical violence. Many punishments were unprompted.
    • Haze grew cold towards Slate, unable to interact with them without negative feelings.
    • Bullying from older-half brothers worsened as they blamed Slate for the worsening relationship between Burgundy and Haze.
    • Half-Sister, though sympathetic, distanced herself in order to avoid similar treatment from Burgundy and Brothers.
  • Ran away from the family at nine years of age, running to where they remembered Merlot living. Lived with, and was raised by, Merlot from then on.
  • Showed an interest and talent in Art, which branched into Street Art and Painting when they became a teenager.
  • Began selling their art on the street in order to earn money soon after becoming a teenager.
  • Came out as Non-Binary and, with Merlot's help, legally changed their name to Slate Palette.
Adulthood (Current)
  • Opened up a Host Café as an adult where individuals, or groups, could come in to either be entertained, servered, and/or accompanied by a Host.
    • Hosts are hired based on popularity. While the Café manages bookings, Hosts are able to set their own prices and hours.
    • Hosts can accompany guests in even simple ways, such as just sitting and chatting with them.
  • Found and began caring for Lavender, eventually acting as their parent.
  • Fur changes colour based on emotions/feelings. Tends to use this as a way to accentuate their feelings, almost like a Visual Tone Indicator.
  • Has a rather hedonistic view on life.
  • Sex-positive asexual, with a view that Sex is for Pleasure.
    • As such, doesn't much care for the whole 'Sex Is Reserved For Romantic Partners' thing.
  • Gender is a game to them - a game that they are Winning.
  • Will not care if you treat them badly or insult them; do the same to someone they care about, however, and you will live to regret it.
  • Doesn't tend to sugar coat information. If someone asks them about a sensitive topic that some may dance around, they'd answer as truthfully and simply as they could.