


2 years, 3 months ago


Race Hive; Lightbearer
Gender male; he/him
Sexuality ?
Height 8'1"
Original verse Destiny 2

Kaulak tends to be skittish and wary of others, regardless of who they are, and spends much of his time alone. He is pacifistic by nature and doesn't like to fight, though he is far from being a pushover and will stand up for himself if he really needs to. Gentle and kindhearted, Kaulak cares a lot about life, no matter what form it takes, and prefers to use his abilities and his new lease on life to protect and nurture. He's difficult to anger and very forgiving, which can sometimes be a detriment as he will let people get away with more than they probably should. While slights against himself are often shrugged off, however, he takes the safety and wellbeing of others VERY seriously--especially those of creatures that can't defend themselves--and will nearly always raise a hand in their defense.

To those few he can call friend, he shows a much more verbose and enthusiastic side. He's eager to share things that he finds interesting, and is just the same way with learning new things from his friends. He's very loyal and trustworthy, and once he's decided he cares about someone, very little can change that fact or convince him to act against those he trusts.


  • Kaulak's Ghost is named Matrix. She is much more chatty and peppy than he is, and usually does most of the talking between them. The two care about each other a lot, with Matrix often affectionately calling him 'Big K'. They share much of the same interests and are generally a very happy pair.
  • While he understands enough Human language to usually understand most of what is said to him, Kaulak hasn't quite figured out how to wrap his mouth around the words yet. Luckily, Matrix is there to translate and interpret for him.
  • Animals are an endless source of fascination for him, but more than anything, Kaulak is deeply fond of amphibians of all shapes and sizes--the weirder and more slimy looking, the better.
  • Kaulak likes to collect...well, anything. Any sort of strange trinkets or objects that are shiny or interesting enough to catch his eye tend to be "borrowed" without much thought. He's still learning the concept of "personal property".

Raised from death with the power of the Light in Savathûn's throne world, Kaulak was a reluctant part of the Lucent Brood practically from his first moments of consciousness. Nothing about the way the Hive conducted themselves, with their seemingly endless cycles of cruelty and violence, sat right with him. In the beginning, he tried to force himself to fit in, unsure that there was anything else he could possibly do. Each time he ventured out into the swamps, it grew more and more difficult to convince himself to return. Hours would slip by in what felt like an instant while he was exploring the wilderness, enamored with even the smallest, most seemingly insignificant forms of life he found. Coupled with his Ghost's stories of worlds he had never seen, his unrest became too much to bear. Discarding his weapons, he struck out into the swamps with nothing but his Ghost at his side, never to return.

Despite living a life mostly on his own and in hiding, he hasn't regretted his decision to leave for a moment. Having to skirt around other Hive, and then the Scorn, and most recently, Guardians, does little to put a damper on how much joy he finds in even the smallest things. While he would love the opportunity to leave the throne world and explore other places, he's well aware that that's likely a far-off dream and is content with his current lot.