Jona Rushford



8 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info



Hair Color:

Pale Blonde

Eye Color:

Dark Brown

Skin Color:





Fuck Orientations (Homosexual)


German and Welsh


Jojo (only okay when Pearl says it), Cujo


20 - 25+


Jona is the most generous and kind person you'll ever meet, in a stark contrast to the 'bad boy' image he's adapted over his lifetime. He's quick to help out his friends and loved ones with whatever they need, even if means breaking the law. After inheriting his deceased father's fortune, Jona has become very giving and is driven by his kind heart to use his wealth to help out anyone who needs it.

Personality wise, Jona is very upbeat and excitable, perpetually seeming to be in a cheerful mood until he is around the people he is closest to. At times when he is alone with his husband he will become a little bit distant, suffering from insecurities and depression. He does everything he can to protect his loved ones and family, but forgets to take care of himself.

Jona is incredibly protective of his husband and their family, after years of dealing with issues and struggles that have always haunted them. He tries to balance all of the things going on in his life and pretends as if it doesn't overwhelm him... but, in all honesty, it really does. He also tries his best to act as if he isn't effected by everything that surrounds him, but his friends see right through it.

  • Has depression
  • Has dyslexia
  • Has anger problems. (Has been capable of mantaining them with age, however.)
  • Is married to Valentine.
  • Has 4 tattoos: GAME OVER across his knuckles, a dragon on his right arm, a crown on the right side of his neck, and two stars on the front of his hips.
  • Has 2 dogs: Daisy and Soule.
  • Trained Soule to be a service dog for Valentine (who has PTSD).
  • Used to work as a dog trainer but has since started school to become a mechanic.
  • Best friend is Indy.
  • Close friends with Ja.
  • Has 2 (twin) daughters and 1 son.
  • Was born in Germany and grew up speaking German. Learned English from gangster movies, so he has adapted that sort of accent.
  • LOVES donuts.