
6 years, 5 months ago


#052 Alolan Meowth pascal_by_trashguts-dc6ra8g.pngニャース


Type dark
Gender male
Nature naughty
Ability pickup
Level 22
Height 1' 06"
Weight 9.8 lbs
A royal house that flourished in the distant past brought it here from another region. Meowth is both selfish and prideful.

Fancies himself something of a bad boy, but he's mostly just kinda cute...


Likes to fight

  • wip
  • wip
  • wip
  • wip
  • wip
  • wip


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas non neque vitae dui gravida pharetra. Sed ultrices diam id odio cursus posuere. Ut ante turpis, congue at egestas tristique, scelerisque dapibus enim. Duis non consectetur dui. Ut mattis ligula sem, vel placerat dui pellentesque et. Aenean tempor convallis vehicula. Maecenas blandit ex at dolor lacinia mollis. Quisque eget ornare leo. Nulla egestas nisl eget risus auctor blandit. Morbi aliquam consectetur dui, eget facilisis est vehicula finibus. Mauris sollicitudin tortor ultrices urna eleifend, vulputate mattis ipsum dapibus. Suspendisse congue commodo risus nec consectetur. Nullam malesuada, ex euismod sollicitudin facilisis, mauris ante accumsan eros, eget gravida nisl lorem nec justo. Pellentesque fermentum pretium enim, pulvinar ultricies turpis sollicitudin vel.


Pay Day Normal

Numerous coins are hurled at the target to inflict damage. Money is earned after the battle.

Bite Dark

The target is bitten with viciously sharp fangs. This may also make the target flinch.

Fury Swipes Normal

The target is raked with sharp claws or scythes for two to five times in quick succession.

Play Rough Fairy

The user plays rough with the target and attacks it. This may also lower the target's Attack stat.


  • soft uwu but won't admit it
  • wip
  • wip
