Ezekiel Kestrel (St. Agatha City)



1 year, 10 months ago


Ezekiel Kestrel



  • Name: Ezekiel Kestrel
  • Nickname/s: Zee, Zeke
  • Gender: Cis Male
  • Pronouns: He/him
  • Orientation: ??? ???
  • Birthdate: December 14th

Ezekiel is autistic and mostly nonverbal, and his favorite thing in the world is BUGs. He has a bunch of them as pets! Death's head and Madagascar hissing cockroaches, whip scorpions, and his pride and joy and reason for living - Andre, the giant African millipede.

Zee and his twin brother, Azaiah, are an eccentric artist duo who focus on momento mori themes.


  • Height: 6"0
  • Build: Average, muscular
  • Eye Color: Dark brown, mischievously glinting eyes.
  • Hair Color: Dark auburn
  • Species: Godchild
  • Ethnicity: Mixed, Ashkenazi and African American




Ezekiel is autistic and mostly nonverbal, and his favorite thing in the world is BUGs. He has a bunch of them as pets! Death's head and Madagascar hissing cockroaches, whip scorpions, and his pride and joy and reason for living - Andre, the giant African millipede.

Zee and his twin brother, Azaiah, are an eccentric artist duo who focus on momento mori themes.

Ezekiel "Zee" Kestrel is Azaiah's fraternal twin brother, and the two make weird art together. Zee likes to focus on topics of decay, invisibility, and entropy, and he draws a lot of inspiration from society's relationship and perceptions of crucial scavenging creatures like vultures and cockroaches which he finds to be relatable and fascinating. He has a collection of pet bugs, including whip scorpions, death's head and Madagascar hissing cockroaches, and his prize African giant millipede, Andre. Andre free roams around Zee's apartment when he's home, but can be seen frequently on Zee's shoulder.

Zee primarily paints and sculpts, but he has a YouTube channel he tends to as well, where you can find time lapses and occasional explanations of his processes (mostly in ASL or via caption.) His work is often classed as "social commentary."

People find Zee unfairly off-putting. He faces a lot of stigma as a mostly nonverbal, tall Black man. He's standoffish as a result, as he'd like to avoid confrontation, but he still enjoys people watching. Despite the way the world has treated him, Zee has an optimistic outlook on life and the world, and he does not believe human nature is inherently cruel or aloof. A lot of misconceptions, he assumes, were caused by people trying to sell a product. Like weed killer. Weeds are supposed to be there, but you'd make a lot more money telling people they're not and selling a handy product to get rid of them, now wouldn't you? Zee has a box garden of dandelions suspended of his apartment window.