Steve (Malaki)



2 years, 3 months ago




  • SPECIES Auratail
  • SUBSPECIESNight Carrier
  • VarianT Beastial
  • AGE Unknown
  • PRONOUNS HeHim/TheyThem
  • SEXUALITY Bisexual
  • STATUS Taken


Malaki's parents decided to abandon their newborn son in the harsh snowy region of Umbralucia, They had thought his gem overgrowth was a sort of curse or plague that would infect them as well, thinking it best to leave him for dead and never speak of it. A pair of snow leopard like creatures who had recently lost their cubs to larger predators decided that this auratail infant would be their new cub and raised him. He spent a good portion of his childhood without ever seeing another auratail. When he finally saw one, it was a hunter who was hunting the animals that raised him. He attacked the man, who quickly tied him up and ended up taking Malaki back to his cabin. This man taught Malaki that he was an auratail, how to speak, write, and even summon his crystalline summon. He taught Malaki a lot and was another father figure to him, but one day when Mal was coming back from gathering firewood, he found the man's lifeless body on the floor, his aura spread across the floor and soaking into his paws. Malaki then vowed to protect this area of the forest, killing all those who dare to invade his territory.


Malaki is a very rough character. He doesn't have manners or understand etiquette. He can seem stand-offish and aggressive to others. He's introverted and prefers keeping interaction with others to a minimum. Very territorial of the snowy area he claims as his own and will not hesitate to kill most trespassers. He is also very possessive of his partner and fears if he goes too far from her she will die too.


  • Raw fish
  • Cooking
  • Cold temperatures/Snow
  • Ami


  • Being called "Steve"
  • Rembrandt
  • The heat
  • Vegetables


  • Gem/Tier: Red Hematoid Quartz | Mid Tier
  • Gem Length/Age: Long | Adult
  • Pupils: Slit (UR)
  • Halo: Large (UR)
  • Tail Growth: Lava Lamp (R)
  • Tail Length: Extra Long (L)
  • Crystaline Summon: Auratail Snow Leopard | Living (L)
  • Mutations: Gem Overgrowth


  • 45978370_4D9oig5OmDNeKrG.png
  • Known by locals as the Crimson Moon
  • Very rarely travels into town to purchase neccesities using money gotten from his victims
  • Will fight you for touching his girlfriend

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