
2 years, 4 months ago


Pronouns: he/him

Soda/drink type: Xander’s Strawberry Lime Elixer Buffy Bottle

Voiceclaim: Knuckles from Sonic movies

Backstory/background info: (spoilered for uhhh vampire??? idfk) || Tanner was once an upper-class sodabird, obsessed with the idea that tech could destroy anyone. The only problem: he needed the blood of a vampire (sodabird). There he was, a vampire in his laboratory/office(???). He was prepared to conduct tests when the vampire lashed out at him, struck with the strength of the newly-risen moon. He was caught in a tough situation where he had to choose between his work and his life.. He chose his work. The vampire ruined him, smashing at the glass-flesh enclosing the soda, causing him to leak endlessly. The blood-thirsting sodabird's soda mixed with him in the heated fight, causing him to become a vampire, too, and now, stuck and the bottom of the "vending machine," Tanner thirsts for the contents of flats.||

Mutations: n/a

Other: drippy red soda :)